For Men's night, Saturday Feb- ruary 4, at 8:15 .o'clock, Mrs. Har- ley L. Ward,' 1rogram chair- mân, will present John Gunther, au- thor, traveler, and newspaper cor- respondent, who_ wiIl talk on the subject "Inside Europe Nowà." The author of '-Inside* Europe,"' which, according to somne crities, is. the best book about Europe anybody ever wrote, was in Europe, for, twelIve years as.staff correspondent of the Chicago Dail.y News,',Éoiing back to thé, United States in 1936 to dévote himnself to his. own writin g. More copies of "Inside Europe" or'sStdi Pot have. been sold. than of any. other Mr-GogeRge o'Cnl nonficionboo byan mercan worth, chairman of the deépart- since Mark Twain. et flerature ofthe Neigh-ý bors of Kenilworth, has arranged Mr. Gunther is a Chicagoan'hav- tesasnsbook rvesoe ing receivedbhis-education -in the which .anuary 31, at public schools and eUnvrs ' 1:0o'clock in the morning, at of Chicago. Ris high- scholastic the home of Mrs. Conger Rey- standing entitled Mt. Gunther to a nolds in Keniluorth. Mrs. Kath- Phi: Beta Kappa key but he neyer leen Foster Campbell will give called for it because he dislikes the program wovenaround a re- jiing.things. view aud poetry reading. Mernbers mnay brincs guests to this lecture. Refreshmients \v i 1 1 be served. Neighbors Club Sister Ferrer to Speak Book Review WilI AI Catholic Club Frid.ay Be. a Departure 1The Womnans Catholic C 1iLi b of Wilrnette is anticipating one of its The .anuarv 31, book-ievp be present to hear one who i-s con- o--nlgieactclaavs, sidered brilliant, both as speaker fo nygv rtclaayi and thinker. of Maurice O'Sullivan's "T.wventv Sister Ferrer is teacher of eco- Years A-Growing," but will di- nornies and political science at Ro- i vide her time between that and saycoilege. She is5 a mnem-ber of'acrsdrto the staff of. the, National' Institute. ih- fmdm per of Indust ry. at Was hington, D. 1 .,wt readings from the Irish. is vice-president of the Catholii As-lThese she does in an unusuallyv sociation for International Peace.l charming manner, according toý and is a graduate of the.University i those who have hearcJ her. -of Wsconsin. Rer graduate work j wascomletd a Nore am. *ý This meeting wili be held at the thp comhn1Wete t Notre 'Dame andhome of Mrs. Conger Revnolds. 24Rý S'- ltc, m etin oi e z). pr.' an- MPen. cis househod, Order of Martha, takes On February 7, Thomas E. TaIl- Place Monday, January 30, at the madge, weli-known Ch~icago. archi- homne of Mrs. Cioyd MeGuire, 515 teet, wili taik on "The Restoration Greenleaif avenue. Members will of Willlamsburg" accompanying his Meet at 1:30 for sewing and cards. discussion, with -slides. and :ACCOUJNTING COURSiES inc.uding every delail of office praclice. NEW -TERM JAN. 30 anrd FE-80 6* Catalogue: sent on request Day and..Eventng Classes wm. B. CaIIow, Principal, 1718 Shermon ,Avenue UNIversily 3004 t 'I I ~II~ -F IUM EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. Evansion UNIversity 3004