Europe is fleard again ini the and. nÏg inqure eadnte ~ oercn tde aeo h lad*le egrigtegroups From Maine to Florida, .from New of igh achool and college age boys.aueo correlatied curriculum in York to-California, those who. intend and girls who will visit Germany,, econdary schools, junior colleges and S IO Lto1 visit the Old World this year are France, Italy, or Great Br]3itian dur- colleges, point ot S4R. .Planning itineraries, ýmaking in- ing- the ,coming summer. t h e ineigt + Of the National College +quiries at travel offices anidreÉerving Those interested were urged to study plans which +of Edueation + cabIns on de luxe ocean liners. lommrunicate me Wî wt r r being follow- are- Aprogramn balancing creatîve. + IV simple matter, this'getting Watt, as he has already been spo e e iiimanols t activities and thoroiighly scientjfic b ready.'for a European trip, andth for t; makeý addresses-.and show his teeshost-f mnethods. Grades 1 to 8, kinder- ws rv hi iso ysatn oor motion pictures of experimentda.J gate ndnrsr shol o -their plans early in the new year. activities. at several. different places Efforts' to in- + eduainl.SniaIlleîce1ca'e Travel companies, as, a matten Of in Chicago, and. also in Oak Park, tgrte hecol- + cin. onn fact, have, wonked for decades o ive Frest and Lake Forest.'Hi lege, curriculum n by hyscia an Rgisere Ntr~+* simplify the pnocess and to mnake a Winnetka open meeting will b o v be en*o on Fireproof buildings, bot noon luanch * jonto urp aécrfreAndSunday .evening, Febnuary 5 at 8,'types. Thea i-s + if desired,,1,imou,-,ine service. isi* mot sa an i.oth etâtte. at the home of Mrs. J. W.vMscy n type liae i- j thescbolWrte r tlehon fo *The resuit of.this work is the fam-" 966 South, Private roïad, HubbàndViOnolient + * ous F.I.T. method, the initiais stand-Wod hsewhig.prna p-1Svrou *a catalog. * ood. TosawihinMprsoal p- tsvanousas Classes orming *Ing.for :the «words, "Foreign Inde- pointments were asked to cali Mr. pects. Ec s an er Clses ew omste pendent Travel." Wata eMc eîec.pect is represent- Bernie Photo for Secodlepho es * Starts at H omne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ec by a cornelated -saer +*elpo. '6 ro p of studies. Al student ar r- + Greenleat 0221 + F.IT. starts in your .owi! home d aslc efnt ubro + Rges ark'180 town," says S. N. liss of the Amer- Sqta ii~curesfoiecgop.Teur B Ê L L 'B "K Ë R r a g e m n t s o r t a e a v il a l en ic u lu m , a s a s tu d e n t w o u ld b e r e - t vanston. Illinois trongh rents afortsad evicbe Due This Suinmeï' quired to follow itbecome a com- Sthe length and breadth of North peetann o ie h eea ---------Amenica, and the plan assures trav- Charles P. Megan, trustee of the1 sections being cornelated as parts 7--q A0 U AC elers befone-they start of the cost of Chicago and North Western railwayI of the whole, PAL BE CH thein trip, their reservations by air, has been granted uhrt by the In this sanie connection, almost at thoocean liner and railroad, their hotel United States District Court, Judge ail subject rnattens are active tools HOTu EV IGL DES rooms and sightseeing abroad and John P. Barnes, to purchase new for the study of literature, which ini HOTL VEGLDE the propen division of their time." streamlined equipment and Diesel the same scheï-e belongs to the -Ls arge Ro ors 3t v Tl Travelers merely indicate when power units for two "400" trains. ifieldofliuesn wtu g- Beaà&Zdcga.-zip'op. they wish Io eaui, how long they wili The authority was,,gnanted on the inomton r mprat an--fl-0 wek u. dvoteto.Eurpe, ow uchthey trustee's petition whicb asked author- books, can be read intelligently. In " "' A~ w sh o sp nd nd pla es nd ty to enter into contracts with the %fLL , uAl uTIuuyv countrnies xnost interest themx. The Electro Motive corporation for he planned along the;se lnes, hygiene Ch riaeBec. erG. travel agent then submits a detailed 1u.hs f~w ~ee oe rt would be the only subi ect -nequined shps arb.Amrim itinerary and on its approval rnakes and withthe Pullman Manufactur .ing feeysun. Pl"i. 90 wee UP. 1Tine the necessary neservations abnoad company for20psegrcs.Ti The second type of school has at- cuan.through the Amenican Express or au0onîy asne y hcs.Tis tempted to correlate the studies of BBTICZ other major travel organization. FiP acthion. 'rned hecut'.scertain years, anoundi some definite ~ .~R S ty on more letters and cables are Work is to begin immediateîy o topic, chosen because it seemed to ARHRL RBRS often dispatched to complete the an- Onclaif.tenrfelofxsec. BOTRIA rangements for a single trip. Bliss the. construction of the new equi- Anif e entire fid-ofesten-e.- 1Write for Boolclet.a says. ment, which President Fred W. Sar- A wietlcll known Mid-Westen fx- In mthe Sumnmer Greeted iEurope gent announces, 'is te 'be placed i n metal yac olleg eatemthedfor Pin. BacRi Roei, In Europ F.I.T. trav lers are met service early next sum m er on the s v n l y a s t o r lt h n Drne e a . by In uiopmed I repreeares fte egulan run of the "400" between tire curriculum around a detaiîed traelcorpayhelèdhrugj es.Chcagôand St. Paul and Minnea- suyOfapstcvlzto whh tomand cmeat ,hels as ogeus-te polis.. The estimated cost of the two could be. 'studied. objectively. The and elcoe guste.Eventher tip_ trains is put, at $2,320,000. Of thisgetdilctyWhtegeea tak e~~pttea ewIntace ~sum $1,600,000 ils for cars, and $720,- ueo t$0ln ol leta takn creof inadivanee. While '1h » e~~Paeswudha~ ob tra v e ler 1journeyaoeor ih his Eaeh of the two -trains is to consist wrke out befone the experience alon or withgle ned could be transposed to the family and friends, his sightseeing is of ten cars, a tap roQnI.lounge car, .Iife of today,. arranged, automrobies engaged, pri- four coaches, one dîner, three parlor ivate motor tours. prepared and cars an~d one observationclub car. tikes ouhtfo oersmuicfe- he wllbestealiedthroughot Editor's Note: marJorie McUean aLeary advacesin ntrir igtng d . ra ureau ialta4ined the e a5-rounjdby o4 ig atn unvritwllsednetweki it uun rw ticoosi LongIslad, a thehomeof hs hamon ith hoseof te flet o ------ roomat, drin thmi-seestr srealin r o pr,#tyNot erg e o Rate Qfr $.0 -, ra r ins of t e n Crhicaorn ay fr fve w eek . .& ero rpany ' T HfE H 0T EL 1 taie -ue oi . e, ritrô.y. snGeorge, Jr., ,who gautei "19 ours at4por ro-ue;from Princeton last year. grae has per ay : perper». rt' RETURj HOM been visiting woolen milis and will I4iJflUJite or r>tee 46» o.eMr. and Mrs. E. C. Hloward, 318 go to, 1ollywood to study ne' Oak cirle, ret rne cone ime ago stYles and fashions preparatory to PI~gTO.J5g~D5AW frm hoidy tp.t 'or*a.They entering the elothing business with traveled down the west coast, went his father. He Will also go to the -to Cuba, and returned by way f San Franciso fair, coming home wlth. the east coast. bis parents on their return trip.