~*w~ -~ - s- This sch@I oboers SECRÉTARIAL. STENOGRAPNIC, end ACCOUNTING COURSES including every Mafil of office praclice. NMEW TERM FES. 6 AND 13 Catalogue sent on request Day and Evening Classes Wm. M. Callow, Priofopa C. & N.W. Photo 'Keeping abreast of, the times and the slogan "this is a womar&'s age" the Chicago & North Western railway has opened a woman's travel, department, where the 'f airer sex may go to discuss and plan the details of a trip to California,~ the Northwest or the North Woods. Miss Ioan Brown (right) is in charge of this new department, and is shown above discussing a trip with a patron. Miss Brown's departmnent is located in Room 1011, Fielid building, 140 South Clark street, Chica go. 4,shton B. Taylor Has Wil l oin Relatives mett, hs ben cosenforonçof I'm" uin ja ta . .&vMis bellery andl mett, ha ben chsenfor fl~ her aunt, Mrs. Harry Sellery of High- the leading roies in the forthcoming land Park, expeet to leave the end Dramnatiç Association production, A. of this week and drive to Atlanta A. Milne's "Mr. Pim Passes By." where they will be met by thé twc The layis shedledfor ebrarybrothers, Roy and Harry Sellery, who Thepla isschduld fr Fbrurywill go down by train. 3 and 4, and will be given in1 the Ail four will drive to Miami, Fia., Reynolds club theatre, located onl to meet still anothr rhr-Dr. Its membership 15 izmited Who have served ini the higk of the Boy Scouts of Amer You may select a study program ta meet your special nceds from thie nearly 300 evening courses at Northwestern Universi-ty this terni. Consuit the Educational Advisers in Wieboldt Hall for the Schools of Commerce and journalism-in Ward. Memorial Building for the University College. Some of the rntjor fields of study are fisted below. I.tersourg bas imcreasea moi 110 per Cent, "-says. Douglas:à v p t: F