*January 16tht" Mcornedy d r a m a, *now in final re- * hearsal for pres- *entation Tuesday a n d 'Wednesday evenings,, .Febru- ,ary 14 and 15, by the,.Winnetkaà Drama club, ac-, cordîng to reports. For these witnesses, while flot the -whoie show,. aré.certainly a large part of it, ýalong with judge,,jury and' court attendants. The entire actioni of the play." occurs in the courtroom of the Superior Court of New York, and there is plenty of action, enough to satisfy the most avid trial fans. it Is said. tCast Vsits ActuaI Court lu rder that eveM-yo --war4c4n-g- the play might become familiar at first hand with courtroorn procedure, the entire cast paid a visit to the Crimil Court of Cook county a few days ago, Pnd sat inon the trial of a well known local character and' his confederates, cbarged with coun- terfeiting,' In the play, Karen Andre, in the person of Leighton Carey, is a corne- W, I andi tmne'ent vou1nL womn n #y 715 arvad ateet, Hoffman Photo Mr. and Mrs. Paudl H. Shmidt, 75Hradsrewere married '52 J/ears on Wednedaipi1 tisia welç. 1hor 1 , hepj Dcqamn4ey- ivite4 a Teu, ends tnr èad'nasa ,y vé nintô celebrate. Mr. Schmidt camne to WiUmette in 1874, ottended school here, and was christened in this parish. Mr. Schmidt is 73 years old, and his wife witU be 70 in .htne. Yachinîg Ifphin," took a first ini the "Red"an a third in the "B" series. Fred floynton won third place in .Wh ite" series with -Neo." iWins Ladies' Race IMiss PertruA, - ioi.owa .V~Ainivi arLnL111 1 a,7 ze1.A1JsAt vakian exhibit. At the program Mrs. Johanseri* will do a quick sketch of Mis$s Emilyv Carlisie of Evanston, -while Mrs. Robert Wyness Miller, just home frorn a European tour, will conduct a gallery inspection of Mrs. Johan-, sen's pictures. Mrs. Hibbard, whose best known piece on ,display is a terra cotta, "Children of Earth," wiII also conduct a gallery tour of he'r sculpture. Instructotof Juniors Mrs. Johansen, a memberý of thcl Nýorth Shore Art league and the. Ra- .vinia Sketch club, is instructor of the. junior classes which -meet at Corr- rnunity House in Winnetka each Sa 1- urday morning under the sponsnr- ship of the league. She -frot cae> e the attention orf the public during the Century o!f Progress when 300 of lier paintings of the fair were shown throughoul the country. Many were sold to travelers here and are now in Aus- tralia, England, China, Mexico, and the states from California to New England. Her work has been shown at the a. t h y gal- presi There is Dr. Kîrl posed, 'scientiflc,p Vernon. There lu i, colored janitr fie feeling by Rc! a sue a nos :u ny John playet dinner, and Gordon M. Jones acted I bury .and his brother Bill assisted J~Ie~ ~~L i as toastmaster and awarded the tro- iwith the 'entertainment. Prizes for Re H ld F b. i phies for the club races, held last jStunts during the evening were A Nav al Reunion, sponsoreci ov summer. th Iawarded to Mrs. Paul S. Rhoad< ag ru o omrNv Most of!h trophies were carried Mrs. Norman Norse, and Mms Max alregopo omrNv away by the Ted Mead family of!' Hayford. and Marine Corps men, will be Wimete Mr Mad wo aied Even though the groun o held Saturday evening, February- "Little Audrey" took first prize for his shadow, Sheridan Shore sailors 11, in the ..Naval Armory, Randoipli the season, first place in the "A" are oPtirnistically looking for an street and, the Lake, Chicago. Over series, first place in the -B- series early thaw, and a chance to get 5, mnaethetdtoatn second place in the "Whte' seies their boats back in thewa-Ar he affair' which will start at 8 p.m. iplay, ,"You iÎst isl already J these to corne to, one Jfr the. je. way aEUout R I visit relatives in go to San Franciseo )re returnng home. 9 . Verun câni l