appearance. today. .ý* ce your ri 2435 b.. Ackermhan Photo Mem bers of the men's clâsa of the Wilmette Met hoduat church are nowo completing arraÙgements for their second <'Men, Oni-y» disiner to be'. given on Wednesday evening, Fe bruàrij 15. Th ine ssevdby the m enfo themiselves. In the ph oto, taken at the' Submnit Name fo first dinner given last fali, w aiter Kenneth Funkhouser serves Dr. Hr, i1 g P r aeG. Smiîth, president of Garret V lag ai vvior[ neIJL&a, A~a iooto>L . ~a iJiLIae Northwestern unive.rsity. Dinner w he served starting at 6:30 o'clock the social hall of the church. Observe Defense Week at Temp~le w"'i cting At that time the ehapter will spon- zen desiring to present a name for sor the showing of official War de- candidate for any office can do 80 partment films, both silent and by communicating with any mern- sound, depicting, the making of a ber of the nominating committee. or West Pointer. any member or, officer of the con- The film,- "Cadet Days at West'vention. Point," covers the four-year course' Candidates to be submitted t'i the of training, "Ordnance Day at Aber- votera at the April elections will in- deen," shows the. big guns at the p1iii< thei fnlwina: rennial teal est is to be Made CIm.c.1ote :out.