'10 Cw'.rescent circleI 1:00 Cozy Corner circle 7:30 Boy Scouts, Troop IIl 'iL ew Thursday, February 16- Church Social EveningFrmH dq are. 4 8:15 Second Unit, of Abr acadabra IVilmeute Health Center he WOMEN'S GUILDIL 905 Ridge Rond, TeWomens Giild -luncheon wl Ib served. Friday,. (tomorrow) at 1 oclock, by the Cozy Corner !cîrcle,. of, which CLINIC SCRIEDULE Mrs. Frank Huff man is chaîrman. Fol- eray9 o 2am-t o Iowing a short business meeting, the FbUay9L9t 2à n ýt East End, Circle will* present a one-act, seph school dental clinic. 'Dr. Chin play, -Rich Man. Poor 'Man." by Mrs> nock;, .MissHae, R. N., J. A. Burrîli, a former member of the, FebrUary 9, 2 to 4 p>.m.-Eye cli-' cice The play is under the direction' of M rs. J. H. Fletcher.. Reervaios ,aduits and children. Dr. Hender- for the luncheon will be taken at -the:son inl charge. chûrch office up to 9:30.o'clock, Yriday Feray1,9to1i..Hw rnonîg.ard, school dental clinic. Dr. Bass, The Cozy Corner circle, wîi. hold its Mrs. Stopka, R. N. next meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul, February 16, 9 to 12* a. m. -St. Spodnyak, 1316 Gcregory avnue, Tuesday. joseph school dental clinic. Dr. February 14. The assisting hostesses wvill be Mrs. William A. Marnn, Jr., 'Mrs. 1 Chinnock; Miss R. Hansen, R.N. Robert Gordon, anid Mrs, A. K. Mestjian. February 16, 2 to 4 p.m.-Eye: Luncheon will be served at one o'clock.ý clinie, aduits and children. Dr. Immediately following, Mrs, , G1e Bok bury. February 20, 1 to 4 p.m.--iest The Crescent circle w~ill meet at the1 clinic, Dr. Novak, medical director, .,homne of Mrs. A. J. Coburn. 918 Linden Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago avnue. on Tuesday, February 14. n o k o ny WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER - Friclay. Februa.ry 24, is the day set Visitors at the Health -Center last aside for the World. Day of Prayer. isMreC uk The therneseleted is "Let us mit nitr ! .month were:Mis are .Bu- O6ti and 7th Rlbs Standing. Wendetful prime beef-It's thorouolly agel-Ani for liavor! Can you..Imggiàe anytblug fertitan.rare beef, drlpplng 2 le wlth Jule Just off theil b, lu.J RIS, ROAST 0F SEEF BONELESS, ROLLED IS the flnest -beef money cau, buy. Oholçeut of prime beef, aned te a rare, tender lusclousuess. EVERY ROAST.EXTRA SEILECTEU ..... M ItUAJCD OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ' ..' .-H-n The Board of Rejigioiis Education 1wîîl Center. The Mvouth Hygee councilý m-eet Monday, February 13, at 7:30 I will hold a luncheon at the Stevensý o'clock, inI the IIiniJsI.rUs audy. hotel, at 12:30 on Monday, Febru-I ABRACADABRA 'ary 13. The ne%% unit of Abracadabra will hold Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, former' its first meeting Friday. February 17, president, American Medical asso- at 8:15 o'cloçck, at the home of Mr. and ciation, will be guest of honor and Mrs. Eli W. Garrîson, 914 Greenwoôd sekra h amrHuea avenue. *Mr. C. E. Jarchowl wil show sekra h amrHuea somne of hîs very interestine colored 12:15 p.m., 'on Monday, February ...Inglvies of Jus travels. 13. His topic is: "Social Health; 19