evening was spent. in. piaying cards and havingother :entertainment.,: Bilh Klein of 400 Central avenue was home hast week from the Uni- versity of Michigan for a sEort vaca- tion between semesters. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Williamn M. Klein. I III Saurda yai Iuda Iicù sua pco BRICK A program is being arranged by the Brownies which will show what they. do at their meetings. The Brownies' relation* to Girl Scouting as a whole will be the subject of a short discussion byý Miss Morse. The girls o! troop 1 are going to wait on the tables. Leadership Tra~ining The Great Lakes Region is offer- ing a new plan'for leadership train- ing tg be given at various places in the region from March throueh Sen,- tember. Those most conveniently located to Wilmette are Pottawato- mnie Hilis, aIt Fflkorn, *Wis., held June 2, 3, 4, and College Camnp. Lake Geneva, Wis., July 11, 12, 13. More, Mvoyer, a group of girls interested in doing work for the folk dancing badge are to meet, at the Congeega- Honal church on four -consecutive Thursdays, starting Februaryr 16, at 3:30 o"clock. She will teach many English dances. During this period, there will be tests for ballroom dan- Swimnming and Lifesavlng Tests for the swirmming,,and life- saving badges wlll be given by George Eckert at the Shawnee pool on Saturday, February 25. Mrs. Ee- kert urges the girls to read the badge requirements, and choices. Before taking the tests. they mnust besure. to have practiced thèse Ph... Wl'-.... to rep- in the at 4 ks were 'n to be conferences' with various groups throughout the state to obtain. facts upon. which to base the 'present bal. Those attending the conference of the North Shore communities Tues- day were Harry C. Kinne. president of WilmYette; Williamh M. Dooley, mayorof Highland Park;, Frederick Dickinson, village attorney of Win- netka;, Alfred W. Craven jr_. cor- poration counsel, Evanston; William M. James, village attorney of Wil- mette; Alexander H., Marshall, vil- lage-attorney of Glencoe; :Calvin- D. Trobnigecity attorney of Lake Forest; Edwin Robson, village pros- ecutor of Wilmette, V. C. Musser. uw, ier ass O ocitiontU. modeled-humnan figures since thei. On January 26 we praticed different types of ice skating for our badges. On February 9 we will probably have a test in skating. For Febru- ary 2 we had'rianneci a sleigh ride but on account of the icyness we cnïîilnrst ç2o. Tn@fta AP idrA HUY the, Seat for LesO IDON'T MISS UT. BE ON HAND EARLY T If E OPPORTUN- FOOD PRICES SLASHED t. aifraci I UTY 0F A LIPETIME FI TO SAVE ON new frlonds and n.wcus'omers. ...I C AN NED FO0OD$L I BECAUSE WE Stock Up flow aof tII@se rgoin prices. 1 OF IMM- No.15M 12-oz. CANS 3CANS 2I5 TML ST., EVANSTQONT II RI I LB.5SO *uEY -1ALK SC5 1115 Centq SI 202.6 CINTR.AI NO. 2 CANS. 155 -il -à