5-LB. SAG i19c DOKAR COFFEE Z L....35c CRtISCO or SPRtY.........CN4JC SUNNYIELO MFLOUIR. $AG SUNNYFIEI.D PANCAKE FLOUR 20-01 5c RAJAH STRU? 1 20Z. IL5c NUTLEY MARGARINE ....LB.100 Latest victim of the local"squads. was Maine Township High school; 43 to 32 was the -varsity victory margin, While the fresh.soph romped to a 48 to '.18 win. Thé meets were held last Saturtday afteriloon at Maine, Despiaines. :Highland Park. had fallen.before the senior group, 46 to -20, Wednesday afternoon-of Iast week; The young- sters again haît littie comnpétition: they piled up 48 poiints tô Highland Park's 18. Plaýn té Cencentrate Head, Coach Edgar *ý. Jackson and his associates, Vern H4 Condon and Bud Happ,, planned to concentrate their coaching on a smaller group of' ANN PAGE. 3NACAKNI 8PAOIBTTI 3 PKGS. Il1c SPARKLE DMSIETS 3 PKGS. A&P __________________________ In slicing wartS, «'Jack' T. Enroilment eidast years at New~ Given as 2,553 Summaries, tams we whittled to with only the top men off some of the st al- C" lauded. the spirit of team, which he de- he best. in his over 20 meets: .....................PECK 381C FANlCY DROCCOLI ............. BUNC~H Il2C Trier Timne mi;1 Boys Girls ......... ....m 289 3m 307 1,352 1,201 Total 631< 643 643 636 wVeAe (NT).urne -1, Clark (NT), 2, r (M). Time -58.3. [d (M), 2. Davis ay-Won bY Maine .Tnhnson inWilmette. Dinorts