the aid of students. ýMiss Virginla GamblU of Centralia -ni., who is president o! the College council, is chaîrman of a student committee formed to assist the lac- ulty with the concerts. Miss Vir- gini à Leteyr, 1719 Crain street, Evanston, and Miss Betty Sullivan, 815 Forest, avenue, Wilmette, are thé -North Shore members. of. the student committee. On Third Tour The Welsh Imperial Singers, a maie en semble of 18. voices, have been famhous for the past-twelve years in Engiand and Canada fo their singiug of. Welsh,. English anýd 1Rrotch fIôlk scnes- and ae siow, own S~- 1M. ,NNU AL CarloadSl for ail who valu'e QUALITY and wouId, SAVE $12.65.