Snore Art league studio in Winnetka, ComMunity House in connection. with an llustrated lecture by*,Stirling ýDickinson, assistant. director, of the Art school of San Miguel de, Allende, Mexico., Frlday, 'February 3. The other was a collection of pho- tographs by Clyde Brown, 1710 Wal- nut avenue, Wilmette, dean of pho- tographers wlth the Chicago Daly News, and by Helen Balfour Morri- àson, 01 osewood avenue, Wlnn etka. .These were shown at the Woman's Club of Wlmette last Frlday and Sunday, the openlng marklng the aninual Men's Nlght program of the organization. 1Tom Wlder's technique andi style of painting are too well known to re- Urzgware. -Mr. .rngerle, wlaose home à i land Park,. is a mnember of the Noi;thi Art league and a-as t presient. The eé will continue. to FebrÙalry 28. are a few Greene, 790 Grove street, Glencoe, bass vlolist, are, the local members of the Chicago Business Men's orchestra which will be hèeard. in .a synyi- phony concert at Orchestra hall at 3:30 o'cloclc Sunday. afternoon, February 19. George Dasch' is- conducting and. the soloists will be Robert Quick, violinist, and Milton Preves, violist, both-members of the Chicago.Sym- phony orchestra. The program will include four. movemnents: from the Tschaikowsky symphony No. 4, "Overture, . Aca- demie Festi.val". by Brahms, "Sym-. phonie. Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra" by Mozart, -Ballet Music from 'Rosamunide' " by Schu- bert, and "Overture to -'Mignon' "by Thomas. In 1917 twenty University Club Meb4rsformedaaa M Ie&traý Th.w, the late George L$tton, whose genius for organization is well known,, joined the group as player of the bass viol and urged a larger mem- bersbip and an experienced con- ductor. As a resùlt two other ama- teur orchestras: were fused with the original riumber. This nucleus of sixty, under the direction of Palmer Clark, demnonstrated that non-pro- fessional Énsicians can -aspire to rcnes unttil was chosen 1934 season.. ýhe conductor rof Chicago, rting with the and, e, there 'y EDesign"