Mrg. Edwin M. Hadley, Jr., enter- ta tea on February 7, at her hoeat 629 Kimbali road, Highland' Park, for the retiring board and new board of, the North Shore Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae association. Besidesà Mrs. }adley, the associ- atlon's new president, the board con- sists of the following: Mrs. C. W. Cregier, first vice-president; Miss Janice Hall, second v ice-president; Mrs. Robert Prentiss, recording sec- retary; Mrs. W. F. Soule, corre- sponding secretary; Mrs. Edward Wachs, treasurer; Mrs. W. K.- Pot- ter, assista nt treasurer;, Mrs. Curtis Tatham,, social chairman: Mrà. Edu- on .[ebruary 14, at 10:30U in the - morning. Mr.s. James Harvey will It is with a great deal of pleasure presènt David Fairchild',c '"The -,th'tth Friends of .LXake Bluff or- World Is My Garden" at the homnephanage anoneh dtils for of Mrs. Clyde Bedeli, 552 Ridge o née of the features o f. their benefit, road. Members may bringt friends desr rdepry a nd fashion. by paying the usual guestafee. shw a h onry Club of Mrs. Harvey is not new to Kenil- Evanston on Mardi 1. Mrs. James wôrth, having appeared before the S. Harvey, for the third consecutive' Neighbors two years ago. A grad- year, will1 give the book review .for uate of the Northwestern school Of this ana,àfar speech, she has traveled extensively Ms arveyual afnfairge.ay through Canada and the east as îecý- o-W~.Hey.thoseniandchare say, turer for the Lyceum circuit. Three aowtei Nrho retand aetllie years ago she decided to take Up Falon h e NothYhoreben h atuthe book-reviewing and Ihas--stayed with Frinds feel se èhaerenfor tun- that work partfte nhavig sredhe fr h The next regular meeting of the patoM r ogB.Wrkc. ran0 club will be on February 21, and Ms.tHhB. arooharev cmnae, eievo the occasion of its annual bfrthday te bokrevewcomiteeu-eiee gins. uugn Duncan, iiouse associ- ation representative; Mrs. Merril MacNamee, magazine chairman; Mrs. Richard 1*owell, Kappa Kappa Gamma clubhouse. The board held its first meeting and discussed plans for the elght- day West Indies cruise the soronity is sponsoring for somé two fortunate Shfore Sq :icago iill takE uario jmnoo aixrn ons entrammnuIÇlwiui ara- Wfamwt- matizations of Dickens' famous char- for the acters. ýe of the Arrangemjents for the luncheon will eague of be greatly facilitated if reservations ty center are m~ade as soon as possible through April 22. the social, committee. Mrs. Harry s. Palen- Weese is ini charge of luncheon ar- league's rangements and will be glad to take rces com- cane, of reservations .at once. ùti Cen- said to oe one of nis inest novels among which- aré 'Magnificent Ob- session," "Green L i g h t," and "Home for Christmas." Mrs. Wark also promises that the book review room will be arranged most comfortably for the serving of the dessert, for the review and for the fashion show. 'For the first time, there. will 'be a tea table in. the room. oficers wil be installed and the an- nual business. of the organization transacted. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Dudley Wlng, Mrs. William Wineberg, Miss Elizabeth Quinlan, Mrs. John M. Ling, and Mrs. Ken- neth L. Wilson. Several young 'girls are to1 act as day. ushers for the large benefit the Ken- tucky Society of Evanston and the ,North Shore is sponsoring the eve- ningof Tuesday, February 14, at. Speaks et Teoo ies- just two weeks ago,. are completed and ready to hang. ihis was an- nounced by Mrs. R. 0. Brenner to the surprise of the group in charge, as none of them had been called upon to assist, Mrs. Brenner doing ail the sewing herself. This corn- kpletes the activity of a speclal com- mittee appointed to work at the Lydia Home. 1 e trarij committee Cu bLuceon 4Asocicgte Atumnae of C uc ter& Sundai, àfternooin, . Mrs. John À. Taft, 201 Cumnber- 112, at the home Of land avenue, -.KènilWorth; entertain- t J. Denman fi Wi- ed her hbridge club at luncheon on om 4 to 6 O'cLoek. Tuesday. 42