1Mrs. RflpIIKI m. LI raGer oW J. ton, wili be the honored official and speaker upon this occasion. In her capacity as district governorover the collegiate- and alumnae chap-) ters ot Alpha Phi in thisarea, she wili bring up-to-the-minuteý news of the interesting ýactivities, local and international, of this old and weli- established womnen's. college sorority, H-er district includes Illinois, Mis- souri, and Wisconsin. The popular-1 ity of Mrs. Strader ini the fine Wo( shehas been accompiishing in her! area is due to, her understanding Af the thoughts and .a ims of the modern college girl, and the sound- ness of hem judgiTient in guiding the vonin women- into harmnnous chan- ~. - J. D. Tol6ff Photo Mrs. A. Ray Findley, 515 Brier street, Kenilworth, is acting as co-chairman of the servinà com- mittee for the benefit desserti bridgeý part y, fashion show, and book review which the Friends spiwationalJy- - Mrs. James W. Barton of Evans-I ton. president of the North Shore Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Craft, 304 Alurnnae. announ'ces also that there will be discussion of business of un- Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, have usual and immediate interest to ail invited about sixty guests to open1 ilumae i thi locle.house next Sunday afternoon in hon- Th harano helncen o-or of their house guests, Mr. and' The' caimanofthelunhen cm-Mrs. J. E. Paisley of Cleveland.1 mittee for the dlay is Mrs. John Mrs. Paisley is visiting here this, Droegemuellem of Evanston. Her as- week and Mr. Paisley wili arrive' sistants are Mrs. Richard T. Scott for the week-end. * of Winnetka, Mrs, John French of________________ from Nortfinela, ivrs. Thomnas MaL- 1 son. Mrs. Sue H. Dodd will opèn I her home at 527 Cherry street. Win.-. netka, for the meeting. Plans for the large annual Initia - tion banquet to be held in conjunc-1 tion with the Northwestern chapterý in March will be discussed. and thel names of the candidates for initia- tion, many o! whom are prominent, girls from the north shore, wlll be Lunlefeon wil 5 and in the ait Brooks will gj toon Mrs. Gale MI N0MA ' a book review. ~ iL