In Meeting Place. Several changes in the meeting places of the six divisions of Wil- mette Parish Methodist guild :are scheduled for the Tuesday and, Thursday luncheons. On Thursday, February 16, the fol- lowing divisions meet: Second div- ision wlth Mrs.- Robert Bacon, 105 Seventeenth street, Mrs. Newell G. Woods and Mrs. L. E. Penbertby as- sistlng; Third divisioni with Mrn. M. C. Boothe, 2232 Beechwood avenue. The members of this group are carrying on a serles of bakte sales at the National Tea company on Centralt avenue every Saturday i February, fromn 10 to 2. Excellent baked goods are on sale. Ordems for fresh dough- nuts and bread may be given to Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, chairman o! the sales. P'ourth division hieets for luncheonL Lake avenue. Mrs. Raymond Lake and Mns. Horace Young are com- pletig plans for an lnteresting proj. ect on March 27, when membens and friends of the division will be enter- tained at the Chicago Llghtlng Ini- stitute theatre, with a lecture on * "Llght and «Color" and a musical program by faculty and pupils of the American Conservatory. .Meeting for 1unichenn nnW.bruiarv exposition,. the merchants witfl tfeir exhibits and demonstrations o! niew equipment for the home, and the members of the club wlth their -big bazaar. The exhibit: takes on. each year the features, of a* local, fair. Admissionis free., Mrs. Arthur Dfxon and Missp Re-. becca Fitch are the, co-chair men of the Better Hoers exhibit Which Wil take place March 7, 8j and 9 at the Woman's club. T'hey are contacting the merchants. Mrs. Ernest .H.. Freenian. is ini charge: of the club .s act 1ivities. The .members of 'the club have been sew"- ing for. severalmronths on handmade articles for the fancy goods booth, Koehne Photo The participation of the club itaelf ini the annual Better Homes exhibit under auspices of the Wornan's Club of Wilmétte is under the general guidance of Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman. For several months club committees have been sewing for bootlia at also workimg for t] Luncheon and d and served daily during the Better are cooked ruembers exhibit. HoIy Comforter Church Giuilds to Shawnee Country club will cele- brate its tenth anniversary with a big, birthday, party on Saturday eve- ning, February 18M. A, gigantic birth:. day 'cake is in. thé process of preparation, and awgreat .arra y of talent has, beeni engaged, to-enter- tanthe güèsts. Tickets. are beipg 'sold for dinner and for, dancing, or for dancinhg,,only, and those who -expect to attend a r e advised to make their reservations early. - Jinmmy Kozak's banid will prol- vide, the rhythm, and the diminui- tive: Betty Lee, Who held everyone spellbounid w i t h her xylophone tricks and. playing- last fali, will return. to present an .éntirelyr new repertoire.' a brana new snocker in wnicn uiey 1do an acrobatie-skating dance on the top of a dinner. table. Thxe Mayfields and Virginia, who startled Broadway's cafe society in- to cheers, will present one o! the. most unusual dance acts given in Shawnee Country club. The com- mittee in charge headed by Rich- ard' Iowell promises that this ,vill long be rememnbered as one of the ElmoodCollege Musical Show given on Three North Shore girls are taking part in the musical comnedy, "Show- ieeting at down," which wifl be presented at [r, Guild Stephens coflege February 17 and two-day 18. nieet with Mns 201 Sheridan rc the Griswold gi Bergman, 7141 iuD e next will ICI With ogers ai ritn, and rs. A. W. nue, Ken- dance just for the oc'casion.. In addition a truly Epicurean feast with ail the birthday trirn- mings wiIl be served. LiURAlUflWl!folow hépri3gramn at both meetings. ry 3, w. recenti ,ne. of Mi *t, the ri at 11 oc the afternc , to ip fun