when illrless confmnec i nm to his home. Th snqestioned at bis home Tuesday mnorning, made the follow- ing statemneît: Refutes NeWs Reports -My father had been in a comna mnost of Saturday. He was lying on a bench in front of the furnace when I left the, bouse a t 4 o' clock in the afterhoon' to do 'somne shopping. When I returned at 5 o'clock I found hlm on the basement floor, -close toý the furnace. The fire was lIow, and because of bis.position 1 was unable to mnove him.,or attend, to the -furnace. I called Attorney Rich- ard Fischer at Winnetka, who ad- vised me to cail a doctor. I then called Dr. C. S. Goodman, 1538 Wal- nut avenue, who, upon. examina- tion, arranged for my father's re- ioival to th nùrty hOst'al, ~whe#I he died. Had1 Ample Food "Reports in Chicago papers thatý rny father. died of exposure and starvation are withouit foundation. He bas at aIl times bad amp'le food, and there bas always been fuel in the' bouse. He had been in tbe habit of lying on the bench in the base-' ment in order to attend the furnace ý Surviving are the widow, an~d an adopted child two years old. 1 Dr. LeMaster was graduatied, from Rush Medical collegeý in 1930, and joined its staff, later coming to Wil-' mette. While here he was, in charge of. the Infant. clinie at Wilmette Health Center. WIL LIAM Y. SAUNDERS Funeral services for William Y. Saunders, retired mail clerk and carrier, who died iast Friday, were held on Wednesday of this week at the Scott chapel in Wilmnette. Mr. Saunders entered: the postal service as a regular carrier in 1908 and was retired in 1932. His home was at 1058. Linden avenue, Wil- mette. Burial was at Rosehili. cern- etery, Chicago. His widow survives. mRS. ROGER~1 W. ANDREWS Mrs. Roger W. Andrews, 630 Black- thorn road, Winnetka. died Tuesday of last week at her home after a long illness. She had been a resident of the'ý community for about four and one-haîf years.lier, husband aind two children, Joan and Roger, Jr., sur- vive. Notice is hereby given that on ruesday, the l8th -dayof April next, inà the Village -of Wilmette, in the Count 1y o f Cook, and State of Illinois, an ELECTION will1 be held for the foliowing Village Officers, :viz:. Three Village Trustees. .(for term of four years) SOie VlMage Tristoe (to fil vacancy) (for terni of two years) Two Menîbers of Librairy Board (for terni of six years') the purpose of Election ceived zrom an uncie in New York~ would be used by me for pnrposes other than the burial of my father, and that he. would be buried at township expense, is also untrue. I have in my possession the under- taker's receipt for the funeral ex- penses, which I paid last night." (This reporter examined the receipt.) Nephew of President Grant Grant ( was a sn~o nn of flvil Precinct No. 2-Poling Precinet No. 3- Precinct No. 4-Polling Place: C SRidge, 1443 Wiette Avenue 1406 ~J . Funeral services were held Wed- nue, leit nesday at the college chplwlth tô resum burial at- Monmouth. lege folk Besides. Mrs. Farwell he is sur- tween se I