Reat. Estatý ptn ait been in the firat mortgage boan busi- ness oR, the North Shore for the past seventeen, years and ls weli known In mortgage ciréles. Hie has beeti especilly successful %w i t h FilA mortgages and wilFeonmtinue to spe- cialize li that fleld. An addition and alterations to the residence of Arthur H. Spiegel: were authorized li the only building per- mAt issued in innetka durmng the past week. The estimated cost of the improvement la *2W,000. I wners of desirable, im- oved property in Chicago datij ~n uwb, whm aire cotnsidering new mort- e gages, or the renewal or revision of existing mort- gages, are invited to discuss LS their problems with officers LSof our Real Estate Loan Dee BOVENMUEHLE MORTGAGES PUECUASE WIILMSTTE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Stanton C. Clarke f Chicago have purchased from Chi- ago Title and Trust company, as ustee, the six-room residence at 214 Forest avenue, Wilmette, for an n d i s eC1b s e d c6nsideration. Mr. GOES TO FLORIDA Miss Josephine Russo, 526 Sixth street, left Thursday of last weeic for Boca Raton to join lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russo, and her sister, Antoinette. The Russos will be in Florida until the last of The First National Bank ~f Chicago Telephone PRAnklli 6800 xbbm VV riçmKKIÂVxb Only two building permits, both of, whivh are for residence remo- Mr. deling jobs, have been .Issued in Wilk Winne mette since the first of the month. theiri One was taken out by Nelson PlacenuV for work on his residence at 828g_+1 IN NEW HOME and Mrs. William Meicher of tka have recently moved anto ew home at 3511 Forest ave- MmlettW, which was purchased em by Frank E. Compton of S. E. CampbeU L a the owtZer of this ni ne room res*dence at 600 G ree,?- tvood avenue, Kenilworth, deaigned and built by C. A. Hemphill and aaaociates. It la 0of the Engliah tyjpe of ar chitecture. AUthough the permit for tlhs ruŽadence toaa isuecl in December of 1937, one of the im-