EVERY ONE A BARGAIN 6 rnis., Cape Cod brick. 15 bath., nearlyý new. wide lot ...........1,0 6 rais., 2 baths. large lt a foreciosure for less than xnortgage,......*60 6 rais., brick colonial, 2 bathg, in Wlnn. Among new home......... $15 7rais., brick, tle roof, 1%, baths, ail large rrnis ......... .... $0 , 7,rnis. brick and fra 33 21baths.. mat finished a few months.....15.500 8rais., M1k baths. Ige. lot,* la fine con- dition. very modern interlor î ..$13,500 Brswht. brick, 3 battus, very large- 147L1TN4ite Cozy Wite Shinglei ON <>FRT.SHNORTWAI TO GRADE chosand trains. 4 bedrms. Ct. childs rai. wltlu sleeping Iporch. Full bath in baseunent. Opotnty for lovely Il. brary-hal! wlth frplace. $12,5W. QUINLA & TYSON, Ine. EXCLUSIVEAGENT su4 Lincoln Ave. 11Wlnn. 177 147 LTN4O.Uce WHITE COLONIAL 6 BEDROOMS, 4S,ý BATH$. 2 PORCHIES dressing room, library. *.car att. gar. Auto. heat. Exclusive section. A beautie fui modern home complet. ln every de. tait, for iess than *30,000. Cali us. FRANKLIN REALTY BAUMANN-COOK 5W3 Lncoin Avenlue Winnetka3M5 14W.T4ltc FAST, NORTH 0F CENTRAL AVE. Wel constructed, 7 r'a. tria. oil ht. 2 battis. Liv.rai. 15x22, 8 glzd. polis. Lot 5Oxil5, Ige.. eim trees. Garagte. Ex- ieptionai buy. Owner living rat, bas EDDINGTON & ALLEN,. mc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 410 Lindeu Ave. WIL. 407 ýiNJNE11KA BUY!. WRc DELIEEMRS 110WOODED 50xlOU ftL. lot wlthin 2 bloeks or Iake, grade and 15gb schoobm to bea- ouit. staningbeyat les u a $135 a $t. Owne. ua t.submlt any and aUl cEst1, Neye beorelisted.se SEARS 1REAL ESTATE CI itchmond R<uad Kenli. 5 EUMLD TOUR NELW IfOME on this beautiffl lot, 1OW50 i> hi eat Ilubbard Woods. $100 tt. E.S. WISDOM & Co. Wlnn. 387 Evmffngs, Whm. 13m 151LTN4tp 600 Stonegate Terrace Modem 9, room, 3 bath English Brick Home. REAL ESTATE rite 836 ian Ave., i 500. 553 Li 5111 R. S. 1 drum .1