M. ýB. Okeau to New York last week. on a n ex- tended. buying tour. . M r. 0Okean known through- out the fur world for his knowledge of, furs and mod- ern methods of styling which he has given furriers in t his country and abroad, wil select peits of al types and ready m a d e garments which have been, ions for the scheduled d iy Astoria afterv a stovover ai fU3L ., t -s in1 1.ýBer suwulu roo wvvito,& 5 1ignt, presU#Mnt of, eted the arrangements with Mr. Rector. ýrof 'c-New Jitterbug. Tune the aNamed for Winnetka F. Ilijif, 924. Linden avenue, a former Wilmette Village knnounces that he has re- Sthe ti- business branch- *onr nas oeen T~assistant man- ager and in charge of sales pro- motion of the Evanston store since March 1, 1937. cago Wi at an school, were su ic's iFair in nmensely pc here bis tim activity. it was written by Bob Crosby, - cook danc.e band leader, during a recent Het esas stay at a Chicago restaurant, 'for the the Chi- drumn and the bull fiddle. presiding The two instruments are favorites cooking of a group of New Trier High sehool 'earances he glani- boys, largely W Vinnetka residerits, a stage who were Crosby fans, and, in their O! last