-.4te calgah-alring'the season' of Lent. AwO 29,th soia gah-services a week are conducted to erig o Tesdyaccommodate. more worshippers. February 28i wiil Both «begini at 8 o'clock., afford patrons o! The pastor, the. Rev. T. IH. Gockel, this popular en- announced that the general theme Iterprise an oppor- of his Lenten sermons will ýbe "Old tuflity to get to Testament Portraits of Christ Cru- >.F clu gether and discuss cified" The cojnplete schedule of W- F-IICIBrO plans for the nextc-1 year.services foilows: Frak eClre fondr ad ebrùary 22 and 29;:"The Brulsed- W. FakMCue one n Heel," Genesis 3:15. preuident o! the club, wifl be on the March 1 an~d 2: "Isaac Offered,- Gene- progainwithremnisence ofhissis. 22:6. progarnwithremnisence ofhis March 8 and 9. "The Passover,- Exo- many experiences directing the ai- dus 12: 3-14, tain o! the -club durlng the past March 15 and. 16: "The Scapegoat." quarter, century. Lears ,22g'Rd 23: "The Brazen Ser-I Auginenting the program wil be pent," Nuiribers 21:5-9. ngs by John Burdette, colored ba me, erstwhile winner of Chica wlll be served at7 'h 29 anUU .J. Â1 kIDMISAlCen un,- 22. 17 <Good Friday): "The Suffering 00F'.Logs Mrs. Margerj McCormick of .Winnëtka wiUl be the speaker at the Sunday afternoon meeting at: 3:'30 February 19, i oundation hall, Baha'i Universal Houee of, has recently re- of tbe Holy Land where she visited the Holy Shrlnes Thir- in Acta and Haifa, and was a guest ng iof Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of mette, the Baba'i Faith tbrougbout th e [berty- , will world. While in Palestine, she was 1217 driven as the guest of the Guardian this, over that 'great modern highwav to Americans in common endeavor. Rabbi, Shulman's sermon will 'deal. with a problem that bas grown i- creasmgÈlymore .important . to al Anieri cans owing to the stress of european propaganda i recent, years. Speclftc questions dealt with i bis discussion concern man' s own part- in continuing, the American wayr that has given him freedom and- op- portunity to live. Services ar e conductedi at the North Shore Côngregation, Israel every Sunday niorning at Il o'clock and visitor.5 are always cordially wel- come. The temple is located at the corner o! Lincoln and Vernon ave- nues liGleneoe. "Why Let Them Die?", the first birth control filmn ever to be pro- .duced, will be presented under the auspi ces of the Evanston flirth Con- trol committee Tuesday, February 21, at 8 o'clock in the evening, i the auditorium of the Haveni school, Evanston. home rule those who zens should for, municipalities and 'eel that.idividual titf- have more of a voice ini what streets are made kent truck lines believe ris should be filed before :of a route and a cer- numoers anda athe close ren'esfl- 1 ments will be served. Sul The District meeting is an open P meeting to ail OddFellows and their ?. friends. 'n progressive of the .ewisn peopie. ;MeCorniick wfll speak ct "The New Horizon," SSunday Morning Hour .en will be held atIlil undation hal.l. on the for al o'cloek ney E. Willson. Ilolcien, a1 and Dr. The Birth Control Cliical Re- search bureau is sponsoring the pro- dluction, "Why Let Them Die?". This agency has as its director, the widely known Mrs. Margaret Sanger. bition in uchool. -The o'clock. I'repare Case to Control Trucks