Womnen, of the North Shore are comnbining their philantbroplc inter- ests and their love of sports as they work on the Midwest Badminton championshlps, to be held February 25 and,28, at the Evanston Town- ship High sehool for the benefit of, the Women's auxiliary of the Evans-ý ton Hospital association. Headmng the committee from the auxilary is Mrs. Arthur W. Rogers (Evanstoin) whose husbarid, with Scott Greene,' went to the semi-fi- nais i last ýyear's: sectional tour- nament. Mrs. Robent'Elliot, Jr., who is a high ranking. player of the ry and entertain the guests attend- Ing the annivensary party which wm celebrate Shawnee, Country club's tenth birthday on $aturday nlght,' February 18. A dinner dance, t he guests rnay attend the big feast which will be provided, or may corne just for the dancing. One of the largest birthday cakes in the memory o! Shawnee club is in process o! preparation for. the Music for the dancing- will be by Jimy Kozak's ban d. Thé enter- The annual party given by the membership. committee o1 the W»I. mette Woman's Club to ,welcome new membegs, whothis year total ,nearly forty, will be a' dessert bridge on Wednesday, February 22, at 1130. The membership commnittee Is as follows. Mrs., Gorge W utnam, haiman;Mrs. F. L. McGratb, vice-chairman;- Mrs. John, P. Bal-. > ,man, Mrs. Carleton L Banker, Mrs. Merlin G. Bush, Mrs. Haibert O. Crews, Mrs& Francis -J. Crowell,' Mrs. Henry E. Cutier, Mrs. William H. Euls, Mrs. Arthur, W. Farrall, Mrs. Dlavid. F. ,Hall1, Mrs. E. C. Hildreth, Mrs. Stanley F. Johnson, Mrs, Walter 'P. ,Maughan, Mrs. Ear 1 shaar, Mrs. Mrs. Carl J.. Psychiatristfto Spealc ins. Joseph . and Mi Noble Mac- Aleri nl of WiII Enlerfain B efore Junior $ulid's Dance Entertaining at dinner befone a dance is a populan way for hosts and hostesses to make up groups o! thirotIf +f1 + oIr a fitm Manages Teor Book nu5pital, wuîl be pr esenteci in a sènies o! three lectures under aus- pices -o! the Women's Associated Guilds of St. Augustine's Episcopal church awig Lent.. "Prejudice" will be the subject o! her initial lecture Monday after- moon, February 27, at 2:30 o'clock, naI relations for, nal district. Ticlk week n K eh. sand