welcomnec tne guests Ana tola of tne l.a'st-mninute illness flu) of Mr. Gunther, ,and- of Mrs. Harley L. Ward, programn chairman who -told ol her .quest which ended ,SQ SUC-ý J cessfully. as she introduced Mr. Hut- ton, gave no indication of the flur- ry they must have feit when they had to, make -a change in program just about four hours beforeone of the most outstanding events of the year. Mr. Hutton, a friend of Mr. Gunther who had been with him on many of his travels., is an economiStl journalist, a mnember of the faculty' of the Univers ity of London, and an author whose next book is about to be released. In Czecboslovakia at the time of the Munch pact, he evolved his verbal picture around that crisis in history, those 1fgurin~g i itsde cisions, the situations behind the forming of those decisions. The high spots in that canvas follow, high- lights in a scene whose colors are sombre, whose movements seeth in chaotic undercurrent. Graham Hut- ton gave it the strong strokes of earnest, forceful expression of thought, lightened it with touches of * humor, brought it to life with apt, Town House Photo Mre. C. RoUlin Smith, 1728 High- land avenue, is heading the com-. mittee in charge- of arrangements for the Pot Luck dinner preced- ing the first of a series of weekly Lenten meetings at the WUlmette Parish Met hodist chureh at 6:30 o'clock WednesdaU, :february .22. the dernocracies, themselves which have not been entirely efficient, have influenced their international decis- ions. The unemployment problem is one that the democracies have not sôlved. Inside England a revoit is iorm-ing a wedge in the Conserva- tive party, and there is no opposition from the minority to be heard. "Dry rot is -spreading' - A~cIAxtxJ//1A~~' ~a 41L0c2~ C ,~;?V WALK-OVER SHOE STORE subject by cescribmng personalities, bplbWlui uio stating facts, and even foretelling mean peace-far from it-for what events. is botter, dictators believe, than a SHitler is a man believing he has a corinies to ene we the pl uitd divine mission, a man wIio says that cohast, the peakereremared a he wals wth he ivie asu- been the history of dictators. Hitler is ance of a soninambulist." He is very convinced,.he can't go wrong. dangerous,-especially when he can fgnri1wrnmq h ope that a uemrilza- Tming pua& in, the speaker stressed. is that 1i s> ini the govenmeits of upon some- ail - e. to let, us pick-up alý I