E.L. Nygaard ' rULU VAig1LUgracies who earned high> marks in, ail subJects. TPhose whose, names -ere marked with an asterisk (41) are Wnnetka children who attend the Sears school. the list follows: RONOR ROLL. Thiird Grade .Shirley Campbell, Mary Heberling. Jamnes Hemphill, Kenneth Hennlng,* Tommy Hoetger, John Humphrys, Wil- helmine Knight. Patricia Moonev. Shir- Nathaniel loeverone, C h i c a go business leader of national repu- tation, wUl be the--principal speaker, at the Appreciation din- ner of 1the.,North Shore . Area w, Leverone is a grad-uate of ýouth college where he was a er of P'hi Beta Kappa (honor- 'ciety) and Phi Gamma Delta 1 fraternity). He has lived in o ever sinice his graduation~ Hie is p Canteen( it of the Automatic iy of America. saidi with, loôw-cost, .ion g-term financing ow-cos AX mrcwoC? Juat what dois that memn? Simply tht you can arrange for financing through General Mortgage Invoit- m ts a..up te 90% of the. ap. praied value of the. house and.lot, ai a lower interest rate, thma vez before in history. And what does ougterm fina».. (Up to020 year)--that the. moutbly pammeu-ar man and are paid just like reutofimn bu tu, veut of a abdlir hem..AuJ, boit of ailthm', *s 9om remortgg, a Mortaq that »overLS m tb. renewed. Seoi th e»w homes that JIeading Odomandau suburban builders are now onmtucü . . .learn for yousw. a long time t. psy for your home -youv moiny. GENIRAL MOMTAGE INVtSTEIEN7TS, ,,. 33 North La Salie Saed, <$cGàmp TelqiAe.Rando«pk3477 âppa.w.d Mortgq.e, u: eodHoeu aulg MslIýttOs of the Anti -Superstition soci< k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;S, d il, - VISITS PARENTS n,. Mrs. GeÉorge N. Lamb,.111 LOAýNS INTEREST RATES AS 10W AS Membor Federal Depoa<t lInsuranc. Corporation ge mon, flortha getty nIKleckfler,I en, Pat mon-j