pany, wi leave nere JPebruary 19 for a trip to Akron, Ohio, where he will attend the fourf-day Home- Com- ing celebration côm'memorating the fortieth anniversarýy of the-found- ing of the company in a program, starting February 20 and*con-tinuing through February 23, when final event -of the occasion is the dedi- cation by the city1 of a bronze statue of Charleé Goodyear, discoverer In 18329 of the process of vulcanization of rubber, on which the modern in- dustry is founded. Mr. Worsfold, who, has been withj the company for 15 years, will be, one of 1,~700 Goodyear representa-I tives from ail over the world, who will participate in the programl Piétture taken Friday, February 10, shotving Johtt I>Reuss, assistant manager of Marshall Field's Evanton store, presenting Lois Fasenberg,' Bo b Cordts and Peter Nitto wfth, their $15. merchandse certf catea as- prizes in the aclvertising conteat isponsored in: the -New Tr News." "I- expect," said Mr. Worsfold, MJiss ilsie TT "during my stay in Akron, 1 wwll get Saturday from: to see many of the necent improve- the S.S. WashinI ments in tire manufacture in the San Francisco b: company's plant and to greet a great ma canal?. AftE many of the fellows whom I have days at the San known, but who are now, scattered plans to visit in around. the wold." turning home fr _______________morith's absence.