Chicago concert of the. season at 3:30 Sunday alternoon, February 26, ift.the Auditoriumn the-. atre. Among the numbers listed 'on the program are Schumann's "Carnaval,"' Leboe- "O Proie do Bebe," and Chopini's "Ballade,, A flat," "Three Preludes," "Berceuse," and "Scherzo,. B fiat." One of his moit famous interprettions- "Navarra" by Albeniz is also listed. Last sumn- mer when Mr. Rubinstein was touring !n' South Ame rica, he played to a particularly enthusias- tic audience in the Colon theatre at Buenos Aires. At the. conclusion of hi s program, the audience, began to, cail for, "Navarra. " Mr. Rubinstein played. several other* encores, and finafly attendants put out the lights in the the- atre. Still the audience stayed and called for 4"N'varr."WFinally the Dint w ya foreed ,A who ry ai 1 te c I coin, id frend of 's talent ex- B erlin. Be him at this 3 o'clock. reterpaul Ott, iuuerntnn y KnoIu scuiptor and honorary member of the society, Will peak on sculpture,- the program markrlng the opening of'an exhiibit of his work which will remain on. view uniitil March 20. It will be open to the public . except, wheri special grosaemeighee March 16, the show wflbm the program for the Zonta group. Mr. -Ott is Austrian by birth, and, American by adoption, B' e' received his educaàtion and art training in Dresden, Germany, *working for five years as apprentice with kurt Feuerriegal. Afterwards he became assistant in the private studio of Kari Gross, director of the Koeniglîche Kunstgewerbeschule. O tt served four years in the World War. In 1914 and 1919 he Was',er- gaged for architectural work by the municipal departmnent of building *i Dresden. He then resumed his studies, graduating alter four years wtth a1 allied ai publiecu- be on vmew tw mue. Art 44 ."Wiu' we PrEwaaelph ' a, orchestra apVary, afpd he made' his New York ,arnegie lfaU in 1906.e tour o!fADerica lasted three rnonths. is tieh'le gave 75- concerts. Alter 'nr Rubinstein gave no concerts 1 ears. Be re-appeared in Berlin in a is repre- c)man," and iows a por- hter of the structive skiIi artist, Péterpai pointed supervi eral Art projec He has recen in -aluminum -f rk. Because of bis con- as organizer and creative was in February 1936 ýap- ir seulpturëý with the Fed- ished a large figure panel. e new Kedzie Street post a 1938 he became a rnem- r 32