MARY ATTRACTIV Ranglng from $90 for hs,. o11 heat, to $0 :UXTY1YwDnwru S± AUL5KAYLSc or càll H. H.1 HOLLY GATE ......10774 1 room brick, mahog.1 porches. Fireplace. Dry bi ft. enci. lawn and g a r d Owner. Wimietka 2140. Des 3 BDRM., 2 BATH HOUS Whm. 3 pches, hot wal Now belng redecorated . sebools. at 471 Hawthorne] JE and timber trim. 3%~ blo.- to sehool close .4 to Skokle club, 5 bedrins., 8 baths, hot [or water o11 heat, 2 car garage., Price- and full details furnlished -upon request. . M8 See these and*other North Shore prop.. Serties. sales and rentaIs In our PHOTO ve TOUR of HOMES. Open 9:00 to9:0 l. *R. B. WHITAKER CO.' '.WInnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302. 147LTN42-tc DUTCH COLONIAL HERRY ST. rAmn. Olazed A new homne on a quiet side street. mement. 100 restricted neighborhood with short walk ?n . Gara e. to station and stores. 6 lnteresting rooms, rbornOlâg giving excellent living space, with econ- ý3rTN2 omY of cost and upkeep. A truly mxod- éOrn home. that wlll give happiness and C IN E aSTjo of possession to an o)wner. Ple er o11 only $7800. Am.Phoe ON HALF ACRE Un.517 Davi4s Street, Evanstoni Uni.6OW I. 1660 -~ Hol. 6880 147LTN42-ltc EAST WILMETTE, Very attractive 7 room. resi- dence ln excellent condition. Pirst floor bas living room with real fireplace. dining. room., kitchen, 2 bedroorns, glazed 'and screened porch. Second floor han 2 bedirooms. bath,- large storage room. Fineflght, basemnent, bot water heat (10w cost), metal weatherstrips screens and stormn sash for.-ail openings. Close to School, Parks and Beach, 3 blocks toý elevated. Reduced to CALL, MR. STACEY SHO1RE-TOÔWNS REALTY NIEW BRICK HOME. wITH CONDI. tioned heat, 2 bedrms., and bath on, lst floor. provision for additional bedrnis. bath on 2nd floor if desired - thoroughly insulated. Interesting living rrn., pleasant, kitchen. ample dînIng rm., screened porc1h, Price $9500l.iberal terms. Month- ly paynients. WYATTr & COONS 1026 Waukegan Road Glenview 7. 147LTN42-Itc 2735 COLfAX, EVANSTON is hard to equal if, you are in the markcet for a 10 rm. brick bouse. 3%/ baths, den and master..bdroomn. 26. ft.. long. Towering elms, are on the property and a. permanent view into a beautiful, woods is assured.' For appointments and information call Mrs. Matthews. BAIRD & WARNER Briargate 1855 Winnetka 2700 147LTN42-ltc 026 Waukegan Adorable frame bouse in south- east Wînnetjca - 3 bedrms., 2 baths, new o11 burner, nice lot with fruit trees and flowering shrubs. Owner anxious to sell a t once. QUINLAN &TYSON, Ime. 584 Lincoln Ave. Wlnn. Y 147LTN42.1 I mEXCLLUSIVEn M 421 Richmnond Road DUTSTANDING:1 shade trees. many other than $40,000. ALTY .sn Tni rJrnir. INDIAN FHILL Block to Country1 1 584 Y Inic IN 1IEALTIY, EVANSTON UNI. 777 147LT«4elte School-4 sleeping ice porch - 1 1,ý,Ql-- 1 ffiwn.