aAI> L AAW A JIUf Initial delivery-left to right: N P. Mi.ler-Village clerk; Johnî westhisorywasassredbé Cm Harrison,: distri butor;. Peter N. ýJaiLs grocers representative; Frank enod renHa 1H rckogn Havacek, Chamber of Commnerce; Clyde. F. Wi ter_ Jr., Offficer Phil era maage ottheevet.Schneider, Police Chie! Clo>jd McGuiire;- trück- driver Dan Gutskî,. The'FU" ET PATYM. Feigenbaum and Sons of f1itt Te"'flu'. handed a body blow to jibrh akr o Lti neja the ,Wilmette Rotary club this week, 0 bfinrhfaros foodsLhattIeeca 1natrialy thnnin out the ranks atKK GereBWierGoryndM the 15th anGeorers.aryntdinnerera ndd[Ma dane t haniee c y i u es idyket at 1146 Central avenue, for th~ dance et haw ee blTestoat-AVy TTN INUinitial delivery of those food prto< night. Toewowr bet t DIOSATEDDNE ucts in th.e Chicago area. tend, however, made the miost of it, adirycmnte oUcjDadFeebupeset and repprted a grand time JWirnThe air cmitee for dthe Di ~ai4igenau n. -prek, et ~ i, ___________GirlScout o4iadth ON BUSINESS TIP wvsfT ,oiite ene~1 ner meeting helci recently in th A. W. (AI) Jensen of the Waimiete be the guests at the Brownie dinnerj North Shore hotel, Evanistol. fi, BateryandEletri ard te Vllae on Thursday, February 23. They'leading grocers in Evanstoxi and th, TiedBattery dEtic nd hebbarllWood are: Mr. andi Mrs. W. .D. Leair%, Mf' North Shore towiîs, on the ,ttbjtt setseveral days this week ona and Mrs. H; C. Kinne. Mr. and Mrs- Freezinig Food Exlpantsion»" bsietrpaMinaos. Z Lyman Drake, Dr. and Mrs. B. L Finea' frosted 'food s, lit pointe( buinsstn a Mnnapli. Mitchell. andDr.fand i MI. _ Pe i rs ad rothrs ill Supplenientjn)g the quack4frteZùIg rfs nig motere wIlof allmariner of food Iproduets, the oi' bsinessg. ceias "Little Anerieca" packers înue indtbesines pck a that arrangernents have been coni- n htherswtekyand pleted for the quick-freezing of. iîsh. igtes tti~.Y n thus bringing striçtly fresh Ish tuý ny which marks the the consumer from- the. wor1d's days and the be- greatest fishing niarkeuts. ediate scout mem.-- iUNNOUNCE B1411 OF SON -Fanraie -Hayson Mr. and Mrs. George- F. Engel of Evanston announce the blrth of a for the baby. His mother son, on Saturday" February 18, àt former Mary Martin of W St. Francis hospital. Wayne Bra- his father is the son of the1 bant is the naine they have chosenp. Engels, also of the sameN