shore. resiaence. A new home had just, been coin- pleted. Pools of water An an un- excavated portion of ground beneath lte bouse, adjacent to the futnace room, bad provided lte batching grounds, despite the fact the tem- perature without hovered near the zero mark. Spray Suource The faniily, upon movlngi, was surprised to find lte bouse lnfested wlth mosqultoes. The pests were driven_ out; a littie drainage woric and. spraylng checked the source, and. there hbas been. no more trouble. Superlntendent, Meier bas the dis- engine W. D. Hiuggins nas aonaleu up, to the meeting room, so work caà be started«* on it. This engine wlll -be used in the 26 foot schooner next summer. At present the vessel hal only sails and oars.* Later during the meeting thte oars and spars were brought i the meet- ing room in order that they couki be scraped and varnished. Sails are also being repaired and a special light weatber jib is being nmade. Volunteers Were called to bring the rudder and tiUer from the har- bor so they can be painted. The rudder is also to be lengthened hi order to make steering easler ini rough weather anid when sailing. MciEIroys, mnitiated iBeta Sigma membership, made arrangements. Beta; and Barbara Baggaley, whose for the talk.- mother is Mrs.> Leora J. -Baggaley, and who f9rmnallybecame: a member DINNER IBOS"S of Eta EpsilondGaùmma. Mr. and Mrs. 'Eugène C. Bauer, FLORIflA TRIP 515 Kenllworth avenue, .Kenlworth, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hammond, 500 are entertaining at dinner Saturday Gregory avenue, are ini Ft. Lauder- ,iight, at the, Chicago Athletic club dale, Fia., for about a month. Mrs. before thef polo game. at. the. 124th Hanirond left February 6, and Mr. Armory which the, guests will later Hammond followed on February 10. attend;. Their son, Eugene C. Bauer, They were to be joined there by Jr., an alternate witÉ the Rarnblers, their daughter, Mrs. E. B. Raub of [wiII be playing that night against the Lafayette, Ind. Evanston polo team. Repu bliccrn Women Workers (o Lunhen-Mee r*ngMari [ack and >111 Players bQuietly and tboroughly the New Trier Womeri's Republican club is working, even in this "off-election" year, to consolidate the tremendous gains it made ini its recent member- ship , drve. drive mheater, a total of township. one o! the cc mnors and an in~ singing star o! mete meetings neld e v er y )r- nlght at seven thirty at an mette avenue. n- SC OUT SERVERSl N t the annual annreiati 1As a ci rier paper aj ers for the p to readers o! titis rate of two tickets 1one will be given 1 D. Wood, Winnetka, is organization for the wîth her serve: Mrs. t, Winnetka, general chairman; Mrs. Lewis- Miss Frances Cutler, ed Schroeder.. Jr., for- over *try'~