are preset,. o n vridays fi the Marine Room, makes her profession- al debut.wlthi Jay Mill's Orchestra at the Edgewater Beach'March 3. It *as while.,appearing in a North- western university show, just a few weeks ago, she'came to MiU'ls at- tention, and he prevailed'upon her parents to accept a contract for her appearance with his orchestra. A professional or stage career had neyer been considered either bv Mary Fran or her folks and it took the combined enthusiasm of Milis, his manager and other'members of the* organization, who predict a bril- liant future for her, to convince the 1 parents that she àhoÙ!d be a singfer. PAIMOL" L pAOUS,,, Errol P1>'i-4Bas E Raboue DIek Pow*l-Aiilta 1Louise David Nivea S Allen Jealdas Open FriSa>' and Monda>' at 5:45-25cto 6:30-1rht FeatRre at 6:00 Open Saturday at 1:00 - 25e te 6:30 - Firat Feature at 1:20 Sturdoy Oaly-Gienc@. Oru.M & bugle Corps on Our Stage. et 4:40 and 8:15 us, Wed., Thurs., Fr1., Sat., March 7-&9-10-11 111111RI "S WEKT-',,Therela !hat L9 BEADXS" IU W*mnan Agala" Jeanete MacDonald S Melv Doug'as-lgfi nare Nelson Eddy-Frank Morgan Margaret Lnsa>' FDIEZ:UUBOK COUNS. Eu VUfVEKYWEI. AND, imlu'EUIRR -M aay ar mei. vorsnore çt & rL~. it cago, ti is filmed entirel'y in technic<olor. theatre. Joan Blondeli Lureed K1 By Track Fraternity tionalV There :sn' much Joan c a. d o a b ôut it though. She's ex posed to ho rsi raceta1k, houi after, hour, on thi set of "East Sici n f Ht-avn.," 1t WILL RETUVI. Velez wifl return to star i "The Gii ia cnema cornE 'an 1 H Leslie Howard -wýl hnr Award Win»r)