HIGH CLASS COLORED GIRL, WISHES genieral housework. Ist floor preferred. Good Cook.S. refs. Wilmette 2691. 94LTN43-tp A RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES DAY work, willing, to1 do. any kînd. A-1 N.S. references., Greenleaf 4563. 94LT1' 43 1P, 95 SITUATrION WANTEG--M AU. HANDY MAN WITH TOOLS, FLOOR wvaxing. wall paper cleaning; wndow washing; reprg. screens, sm. paint jobs. Hans Jorgesen, Wilmette 1211. 95LTN43-2tp. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WISHES gardener. Wili travel. Experieneed. Ex- cellent character ref s. Caîl after 6:00, Wlmette 3578. 95LTN43-ltp HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS WORK after school and on Saturdays. Can do* most any klnd of %work. Phione Wil. mette 4903. 95LTN43-Itp EXPERIENCED IIANDY M wvork by hour or day. Ii Also repair work. Wilmette 2tp~ 9o, aiT. WTD.-MALE- & FEMALE CALL Pauline's Emffi. Agencles FOR BETTER DOMESTIC ýHELP WILMETTE 2171 DAVIS 7777 421 Fourth St. 634 Davis St. 96LTN43-lte COLORE» COUPLE, MAN CHAUF- feur, gardenier and butier; wlfe good p3lain cook. Thoroughly experienced. Best references. Wilmette 3440. 96LT43-ltp 97 HELP WANTÈrD-FKtALIE GENCY rN43-ltc c uv.nl EMPLOYMENTI ELM ST. iuý r- Ma T IJSbu W.... ...... . .4U 1938 Lin. Zebhyr Sed ........,..... 1.045 TERMS TO SUIT YNC. YOUR NEIGHIBORHOOD AUTHORIZED FORD-MERCURY- LINCOLN-ZEPHYR DEALER Wil. 535 OPEN SUNDAYS Gre. 0535 105LTN43-Itc QREATEST, USED CAR BUYS IN YEARS 1936-Plymouth d e 1 u x e coupe. Heater ...ý.................$265 .00 193-Dodge deluxe 4 dr. sedan. Trunk compartment-radio- heater-plenty of extras .... $510.00 1I}3-Nash 400 deluxe coupe .... $310.00 IIW.iTPdI3'tp.' NICE CLEAN WARM AND COMFORT. able room,' Linden avenue, close to Hubbard Woods trans. and busines soc- tion. Very' reasonable. Wlnnetka 3M2. TWO NICELY FURNISHE»ROOnmS; suitable for, couple. Meals if deslred4 Close ta business district and trans. ph. Wilmette 2M0. 1OLTN43-itp COMFORTABLE ROOM IN-QI ET, private home. Near North Western and N~orth Shore stations. Phone Wilmette 233. 1OLTN43-ltp PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR LADY. TWO blockts from North Western ançi North Shore station$. Garage if deslred. Phone Wilmette 2572. 116LTN43-ltp TWO FURN. -ROOMS WITH PRIVATE bath. G004 location ini E. Wnnetka. Garage available. Winin. 3M8. 11OLTN43.lt,, 1.4lIfi ~LASAT Rom m NWLýy decorated, Near transportation. Closet space. Winnetka 8BU. l0L48-Itp 128 FOR RENT-AiAitrmtMETU 425 GROVE STREET 7 Rooms-3 Baths $595.00 N. S. refs. Win-net-ka-1408 8 N. First St. 95LT43-ltp Phones: GlIencoe i 96 SIT. WTrD.-MA -LE & FEM ALE COMPET ENT WH] DO YOU AGREE? wîth good ref. Interviews secured by callî.ng ail agen- cies are expensive. tiresomne and con- ALL EMPLO'I fusing to employers. expensive and irri- 667 Vernon Ave. tdting to applicants and conducive to - _____ iefficiency and unreliability in place- WANTED AS S ment offices. Select your agency with steàdy employm, the same care you select your helP. with experience ir TI-e H. E. ALSUP. Mgr. re . ,,ýà j Cu ore ave. east o!f 7 COI CALI SHORLINE ) 746 INC. MCGUIRE & ORR, Ie., L) 130 Davis St., Ev. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228. D 128LTN43-ltc THIE TERRACES DISTRIBUTOR ROGER WILLIAMS & JUDSON AVES. î26 En St.. Winnetka. 111. RAVINIA WINN. 184 Apartments' avallable now in charni- OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY ing newv colonial building. Elevator, ar- cLNCN . - ,TN43l tec Shore. t tOlc ltp ii ý 1, '. 1