riety end quallty. Sone. of the items of special inter- est, to mention only a few, are cited briefly as foflowsý: EIectric lighting features and' cooking demýonstrations.. Exhibits by two hardware con- *cernis of the very latest ln ta field. Exhibits and demnonstrations of *proper home mnsulation and heating.ý Display of wall coverings. Latest imn.prvemnents in oil burn- ers. An exhibit by, a local laundry concern. Furnituhe DIl#Rvy The series has been chosen with a view o! recapturing the sereen pleasures of the past, and. to for-- mulating a summary of the..rapid development of an art which was non-existent 50 years ago. CAM -CoLLI At about 5:30 p.m. Saturday, E. G. Karge, 2707 Thayer street, Evans- ton, driving north on Thirteenth street, came mnto collision with another car driven by Miss Alne Lipsch, 1501 Maple avenue,~ going west on Maple avenue. The Karge carý was forced over the curb by the impact andi for a. distnce of ITEXACO SERVICE.. I "For Peruanai Service. t Popuier Priées" Green Bay Rd. and Washington Ave. WIL 5311 fine sarnples of their best work. A grocery, ice cream concern, nut machine company,' pickle and preserve factory will be among the exhibitors. A photographer wiIl display a gai- lery of portraits. A landscape artist wil exhibit a real rock garden and pool. Other lines to be exhibited- in- Mrs. Arthur G. Bloom, and club's social committee, wil charge of the luncheons and ners. The members hiave been wor under the direction of Mrs. Sta D. McPherson since last rnrniwi show - the bazaar - who is- also noiciers, 1Milles, and powaer room' tresurr o th 13tte Hoes x-accessories. They will also have tresurr o th Btte Hoes x-pewter ware and other attractive hibit; Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, publicity gifts to sell. chairman for'the exhibit.HoeBkdFd P'rom Mrs. Frank Adams, presi-HoeBklF l dent of the club; Mrs. George Wil- Home baked food will be broughti lia ms. first vice.president, and Mr. daily and sold by Mrs. William .T. Howard Ringholm, chairman of the Muehlberg'scmmte and home ways and means comrnittee down i made candies by Mrs. Victor La A82ç Ç1Ca Keep your resistance up. * Avold Colds