at 8 'Vlock,'the Erie Neigflborllood House Players wil present three playsi at thischurch, under the, auÙspices of the, * Tuxis club. Thereawl - b 1noadmission1 charge, but an offering will be recelved for Etie ' Neighborhood House. We cor. dially invite you. to corne and enjoy1 this with. us. * Two weeks ýof preaching services ýhave *been planned. immediàtely, preceding Easter. Guest preach ers will assist the.j pýastor ln and helpfuland insPiring message will be given.- Speclal *music wlll be given by membrs of thle choir, in'solos. quartets, and1 chor- uses. We cordially ,invite the public: to joian us in these services. This church wlll join the other, church- es of Wilniette in Union Evening Lenten services March 19j. Mareh 26, andApril .2. New menibers will be received into the church March 26 and April 2. PleaseV confer wlth the pastor. Biblde Chu rch 886 Elm street, Wlnnetkaf Howard A. Herinansen, mnrister SUNDAY, MARCI 12 9:45 a.m.-Bible school. Classes for aill ages. Special 35th Anniversary Pro- *gram. 11 .a.m. Message by the pastor. 0 4 p.m.-All organizations, membersr arnd friends are meeting for, rally com-v *rrnemoratiiig the 35th anniversary of thet BOARD 0F RELIGIOUS >EDUCATION> The B.1oard of Religious Education wIlllISEK meet Monday, at, 7:30 o'clock,: ini thé Finest quaility, prime beef; pastor's study. , ' .f. 1 1y 1agei.. MEN'S FÉLLOWSRIP FORUM The men of the church and parish Will meet Wednesday, March 15, at 0' o'.clock., at the home of Mr. and Mrs; John -P. Bailman, 1133 Seneca road. They have been fortunate in securlng as speaker, Mr, EdWIn Clough, director of the L&bary of International Relations. He. has chosen as his tople, -Europe After Munich," and will answer ques- tions at the close 'of the lecture. KAPPA Pl PHI The High Schobl, group will mneet for refreshments in Pilgrim hall, Sunday eveni ung.a7 io'elock'fr The uiii am .n11 ISIRLOI N .....Ibi45c Round or S.wiss. lb. 38e RT e n d e r e l t e s , ý 0. 1 6b 4 ,4 8 bomeless RolI.d LAMB ROASTS ~L TIe vety Oe finteme«Nrhg Iamb-4 to 5 Ibs. aver* J LAMB ROAST, Shoulder. 3ya4 lbs. avg., lb................ 17c. CAPONS r.iast Mr.-n, Tender, and Juiey P.eock NAMS FR S One of the greatest hams la the country for tasty, 01<1. BEEF STEAKS fashionei, farm lavor. Real hickory sinoked-no artifielal Swlss ........ lb. 33c coloring. Il to 13 lb., avg. Porterhouse . .b. 39c Lb. 24 IC WEDNESDAY, MAlIeN 15C 8 p.m.--Choir rehearsal, J. Morris Gus-1 tafson, director. THURSDAY, MARCH 16 10:30 a.m.-Women's Sewing. group;- church parlors. 7:45 p.m.-Midweek service of praise. prayer and Bible study. 7:30 - Boy Scouts, Troop HX Wednesday, Marrh 15 TWO Mr. anid1 lorest aver LIMA BEANS Box ............... CUT CORIN' Box ............... Henry have twi ;on, Rot of 1718 ib 95C Mb. bag ..-... ... .. . LGE MEAT ... .. . ...b.. . .M 0% Pure- .lb... . . .. . . .M jwe ek 75 2 Ibs. 6f "'