- uuLao iece Katharine Kuh lectured on 4'Surrealismý and Covntructivism" At the programï-held ini con' Junction *wth the exhibit,. Miss . KuIh and Carl Soheffler ot the Evanston Acade*ny ýotf ine Arts,, serving as judges for the show. Following the program tea was served, Mrs., Harold Yegge, Mrs. Arthur Rogers and ýMrs. Robert Stockton, the president, pourlng. Prom the ist of prize winners wilU .be se- lected pieces of art to represent the league. at the regional art exhibition of the'Junior leagues on March 25 in Milwaukee. Amonig the oùl paintings, fIrst prize was won by Miss Betty Hall o! Evanston for a still lite, and second prize by Mrs. Robert Elliott of Evanston for a portrait. Mrs. Elliott also took' afIrst prize in water colors for a Hungarian vil- lage scene; Miss Dorothea Wzng of Evanston a second prize, and .Mr. Edward Tourtelot ' -Jr., of Evanaton :received, honorable mention. A first prize in the print group was awarded prize for jewelry to Mrs. Frank Karslake of Wilmette. The Garden club o! the Junior league exhiblted place settirigs, M~rs. Richard Ufie- mann of Wilmette placing first, Mrs. Graham Penfield and Mrs. Noble MacParlane second. and Mrs. Robert L. Scott, Jr., third. Among the photographs, arranged by Mrs. Webb Stev- ens, Mrs. Tourtelot took a first prize for a snow scene. In the handcraft uroup Mrs. Rnoert Rtrrv of E.vanstoi 15 to 8 y ribbon was given a quilt exhibited. Is year was pain lors made by chul was given to -Joy er prize 'winners m~ say uit 5inging of "The eiuiem" .promnises-to be sorne o! the' finest Work Yet done by the society. The North Shore Choral societY was organ.. ized. in 1932 and since that tlime bas Played an imnportant part in local musical' activities. Its membership of more than seventy is proof o!f its popularity. In addition ýo off ering people an opportunity to sing, the Choral Society has given the community an..opportunitY to hea r fine choral"music.. The numnber of. people Who look forward to the 'public appearances 'of1 the chorus grows yearly. At Thanksgiving time the Chorus takes part in the. festival at *Winnetka Conununity eHouse, and at Christmas- rides through the illa-Ige singing carols. Perhaps their best ioved and - r nost appreciative audiences are thèse Who stand, is in- them MisCupland has taught in Wlnnetka for ten, years, both as a meznber of the faeulty of the Columia School of Music and in her own studio. She is. a former pupil Of Clare Osborne Reed, Arthur Cyril Graham, and Adolf Brune. avurre ~cu. Miss Madi Bacon is the dl*ector of the chorus, 1 white and. in and Virginia KnaPp Collins the accompanist. mnerican Design. The officers o! the society are: George Powerse te WPA, are, on presid.ent; Miss Lucy Fairbank, vice-president; studio at Win- Mrs. Nathaniel French, secretary; Mrs. W. F. Ëe sponsorship of Kentnor, treasurer, and Miss Helen Blasius, at Crnnunj.ulibrariap. [t, asI0D atist for baritone. was. Koch,