mnaed Betty Claire Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Evan .Leslie- Ellis, 401 Tenth street. Wilmette-, was. recenit- lylnitiated Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, at Northwvesterr University. At the initiation banquet she was presented with a 1939 recognition award for service while a pledge to the soror- ity. Balloon Da nce- graders,. On Monday morning ail our Simplex Flexies go back to their regular prices.. Shop during the next three days for these, famous> children's shoe . Jnown nationaily for the. comifort and c'are they give to growing feet. Bernie Photo Late thls corning aumnme 'usa VeTna Bell Sybf.l Weld wiet be- corne the bride of Leon Sherman of Evanston, son of C. R. Sehrrnan of Kansas City, Kas., her mother, Mrs. Chester H. Weld of 1240 Cen- tral avenue, WUlmette, announced last week. Adolph Franksen will be in charge joying a month's trip to Texas ai of the dancing. Mexico. Si~,ea Reg. Price 2 to 6...... $2.65 6½/2to 8 $33 891/2 to 12 .... $3.85 Sdei Price $2.12 $2.6 With Shark Tips. Sizes Reg. Priée Sie Priée 81/ to 12.... $4.00 $3.20 121/2 to 3.... .$4.45 $3.56 junior, M Sles Sizea 31/2 to8. Rég. Prie. Price $3.72 WJEIJOLDT'S Fashion Show, Mondayat 2:30P.M. Living models wiIl parade the newest spring and sumnmer fa- WVIEBOLDT'S Evonstoui on Davis$1. 1On Sale 1 Mfarch 2 to March il From the Pan try FEIRNfELL FANCY Ied Salmon No. 1 Un - -...DAVIS STREET FERNDELL wmffE MEAT TUNAFISif 9 E!' 3 EVANSTON I