First I Morigage Loans I i Made at reasonabie rates en iNorth Shore property lasmaaflorý large amouts. Terms to sui Prompt service WALTER FRIEND Mortgage end Realty Co. 105 West Monroe St. Ti. Readelph 5548 CMego EVANSTON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Repnsie- Courteous Men -j, .- JAnLI £ ~C". L This American colonial style, six-room residence, designed by Archi- tect James C. Schnur, 1017 Forest avenue, Glencoe, ig being built on Woodland lane, Northlleld, for Arthur D. Bradbury. Of frame construc- gara,~ tsTssb ôeaït , wiâneiand a r one-hT1 thos>and anzd.ed garage. It will be heated with gas and air conditioned. Wilmette Approves"b ro Plan for Two New .o e two stories, of brick veneer con- truction and comprise s e v e n oms. Edward Anderson and son, T Homes in Village the Evanston, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorence F. Carter, 2111 Lincoln street, Evanston, who will move into their new home on or about April 1. Mr. Carter' is the western representa- tive of Commercial Union Insurance Co., Ltd., London, England. The other two homes were sold to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Whiton and Dr. and Mrs. William F. Baker. This sale completes the disposition of Mr. Blietz's 1938 building pro- gram. Mr. Blietz's 1939 program com- prises four homes that he has in various stages of construction for the spring market, and 15 new homes to be erected in Connecticut Village, which he is developing one block south of the Kenilworth sta- tiot iM EÉt~Wilfmette. Plans for these homes have prac- tically been completed and construc- tion is scheduled to start at'an early date. in the subdivision of eight lots, on which development was started only a year ago. One other permit was issued in Winnetka during the past week. It hM. to Build Of Township Goes Into Reverse Gear -Manor House. Building activities in the four -am -.a A-.North Shore villages of Wilmette. 1»6 SHINMAN AVE., IVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2820 BUDGET PLAN roacL au costinmy, *,ouu, were au- thorized in building permits issued in Glencoe during the past week. C.A.