Eugene Harreil <ieft> and Johà -Frosh, enroflees at Skcokie,.Lagôôài CCC camp, .ahotvn repairing SOMe of! the heavy equipment used on the project, PreParatorY to the o»ening, of ,spring activitiea. *Iarrell ta doing the arc welding job and Frosh iW handflng the acetylene torch. Both young men are skilled ini this Une of work, uhich they have been taught, along with their otherdutîes at the camp. 500 Bos toEdTaniga Skokie Valley Camp Mar. 31 omPléion mechanies, welders, etc; those who iately 500 are doing work of a ýemi-skjlled na- 'CC camp ture, such as truck drivers and )f new re- chauffeurs, tractor a~d. other heavy LI. ~excavation e q ui p m e nt operat- e leaving ors, rough carpenters, camp cc'oks, rsical co- foremen of labor crews, and stml r'al stand- others working as radio and switch- ly to start board operators, dumpoien, Jrafts- W1LSGN M1s b y GEORG-E R EC TO R Some women who are reafly excellent cooks do not know how to plan entire meala well, or do not enjoy doing it. 1 always feel planning a menu in * ~ like getting the first olive out of the bottie--once you have. decided.on your meat coUrse, the regt l easy. The other fbôods * just group theielves