By Paul D. ?*4*eik Secretartj, Northi Shore Pro perty SOwinera Association North Shore comnmunities, having scored in their opening efforts to amend the- pending Illinois Truck Act, were pressing their advantage still further in Springfield, Wednes- day.. Attorney Edwin A. Robson o! Wil.- mette., representing the North Shore, mutnicipalities, except Evanst on, and the North Shore Property Owners association,. appeared before the house comrnittee on roads and bridges to urge acceptance of Pro- posed: amendments that Would give municipalities of less than 100,00, Inhabitants a voice in the. routlng, 61 motor trucks before, instead. of aftér certificates are granted. Laws. vomr ient o! Put rs to sucli mission i15 V bill and the Works and amendment. sponsor of the opened its bid for the Chicago city chaMpionship in the playof ,in the. Blackhawk..park pool. Win By Defait The Shawnee club drew the Uni - -versity of Chicago Big Ten 'water polo champs for its first gaine and won by de! ault when the college withdr ew froin the playoff. In the unoMeiial gaine,. Shawnee de!eated a madeup team o! players from the other squadk in the play- off, 12 'toý 6. Wednesday night the Eckert team ........... met the Blackhawk park boys--hr-a secod rund ame Fou otier The Youitg Marri ed Couples of tecmsdareound the.layos: Cerl St. Auguatine'a Eplscopal churc ,h BIacthewpark, G:Ceralhshave made s p e c ita 1 plans for Y.M..A. Blckhwk ark Grffiths Wednea4 evening, MaTch 22, it natatoriuin, and Beilfuss natatorium. waanucdb 'K >dG Haines, préeaiçnt. ThecomittLfee BMOT"8'T(y ALMNAE hasecured "thé' services ofDr. On Founder's day, Mrs. Nathan -Allan D. A 1lb e r t, Jr., (above) W. MacChesney, 568 West Haw- inember of the faculty of Sea- thorne place, Chicago, is entertain- bury-Weatern Seminarti in Ev- ing at a dessert luncheon at lier, anaton, who w il1a p e a k on home at i o'ciock, aU rnembers o! "Human Events, Modernized." the Chicago association o! the Uni- versity o! Michigan Aiûmnae associ- An invitation is extended tn al] this me swurx. After April i there wHilbe ,about 1200 men on. the project, it i8 an- nounced, including the>- new boys whio wilL be enrolled betweenMarch. 15aând .20.1 For the past three months, in which snow, iee, frozen grounid and mnud have, made. operations with heavy, excavating, equipment un- usually expensive, Project Manager E. J. Lundin lias had the heavy equipment personnel o! the National.ý Park Service busy on the work o! completely oiverhauling ail p o w e r shovels, tractors-,, catwagons,. and' other pieces. Aurait Fair Weather: This. work lias been in charge of Principal Assistant Project Manager- H. ~F. I<oepkê ad4 rank J., Roy, traveling meclianie !rom the Nation- ai Park Service headquarters, at Madison, Wise. *Mr. Lundin is planning to operate the heavy equlpment just as soon as the weather permits moving it onto the job. On Seventh Lagoon There is some work yet one. on the seventh, or to be the proposai point out.~.., . v. lwr . DIS... Before leaving for Springfild, At-- Seven-Year Flght. tonyRobson said that lie lopéd For more than seven years, the not oniy to obtairi the comrnittee's Northi Shore communities and the acceptance of the amendment but property owners group together witli wouid try to strengilien the pro- other associations, clubs and varlous posai. As it stands, ii allows only civic bodies have been active in ten days for municipalities to file urging reduertion o! ail possible Hold Founders' il- Banquet Monday The newly reorganized Shore Alurnni club of Phi * -0 ii. ulu t .srK Forest way, the north andý south ay drive hroh the east portion o! the project, and also the extension o! Tower road, from Grove street, west across the Skokie, are now un- North der way by the county highway de- Delta partiTient. Day The bottie neck in the river, south ýh ini- o! Winnetka avenue is being elim- Alpha inated. Men this winter have been as usi clock 1 be III at Bu Th