x iia usem o iatEEu!Mai Hstory, and ias a' fascinating story to tell of. the womk, done inu rniounting and collecting their beautiful exhibîi oÉ wild lite. That seine àa'ftéruoon the league, wil open" an exhibit of ýpaiuitings by Charlotte Wachs and. Helen Harej both of Wiunetka and both mern- bers of the league. 'These wlll emalu on dis-. play until Sunday, March 26. Hlstory tels of the art of taxiderniy belug. practlsed in Egypt; and there Is a record of the' ftrst museuru being started by Aistotie. uÛder the auspices o! Alexander the Great. 1 Taxiderny. botii as an art and as a science, has. a long history, demanda wide skiU1 and artistry. The tons of saIt, of sugar; the weeks of labomlug mn furnshiug th~e leaves ln o some of the habitats of the Field museum ex- hibits comprise a most informing and surpriaing* story. Mr. Eigsti's talk will include an explanation of museurn technilque; how animais, birds, fiMand. ~G~1W~ i'êw arge, hab tat groIups are deslgned and executed; how expéditions are planned audsent ail over the world, to the four corners of the earth, to coileet specimena for museumus; how animais and birds are found and prepared in the field; how these specimens are mowted by the Jatest: museuin methods and installed iu habitat groups.. Maurice Seymnour Pl Sydie Smith Cooley <Mns. Albert H. Vli rich), contralto, 925 Laske avenue, Wihr&eti .Wfià lPPe «rT. -as 4$ ntê it-the Abtmii4ai Wiamaon 1*qTpsicFord ensemble Tuesa e?>enfrzg, March 28, at Thorne Hall on th *Chicago campus of Northaoeatern univerMtl Miss Cooley will sing an~ aU Bach group ofE accompanied by haz-psichord and violin, harr chord and organ, and two harpaichords. school The recital, under Mr. Yingling's direc- tion, is open to the public. The program ,willincuemotets,- madrigals, and modern numbers,, somne with as many as ten Parts. There willý also be short incidentai solos, quartets, and groups as large, as sextets to add variety. The recital wil demnonstrate vocal tech- nique as applied to ensemble singing. Dividedinto four parts,, the'prograM presents canons for equal soprano voices, sung by Marion and. Francis Beeler, who are assistlng the ensem- ble. Accompanying them wîllI be Virginia Knapp. Members of the ensemble are Mamnie Burobam, Jean Cobumu, Betty Conway, Suzanne ]Danley,, Doris Dethloff, Mary Di Francesco, Marilyn Fillis, Yvonne Filis, Patsy Frank, Dorothea Haake,- Lois Johnson, Jean Kastmup, Ruthi Lee, Beatrice Levi- lhoto son, Jean McNeal, Ruth McNeal, Eleanor Metcajf, IL- Ann Royal, Sally Royal, Jean Treveller, Subi te, Wooten, and Eleanore Zeiss, al of Winnetka; %Yvi ~SbA Àd.sn, ÇàiL 4ullim> Roiend .4 4I' nj. llan and Betty Lou Meyer, of Wilmette, and he Juzne Goodmnan and ELsa Merriman of Glencoe. M. airs -Psi- On Tour With Choir Sol oist for Each year Eva honora a member inent in the field 'wnship High school ilumul group, promr- own e