-Rvou1o hoba etcmplee arrangements for the next jmeetIngs, of the four groups, .annoupees. that they wlll be held, on, March 18 and The Juniors wIU neet Saturday afternoon, March 18, from 2 to 4, atthe.,home of Bobby Graham, soný o! Mr.' and Mns. Gordon C. Gra- ham, 2W5 Forestview road, Evans- ton.. Mrs. John J. Morris o! Evans- ton- -i the, group's leader. Warren Habyward la the chairman. At the same hour on Marck 18. the'Intermediate. group,- under the direction o! Mrs. T. H. Ka ,wlll meet at the home of Mies Charlene aay, ivarcn 20. Mrs. Harding will De asslsted ,by. Mrs. James C. Steven- son. The group 15 happy to have as tsguest, artist,, Miss -Helen Fulton, talented young pianist, who wml graduate from the Northwestern, School of Music this June. As. usual,. Mrs. Wilfred A. Nabors wlll Iead the discussion of current plays in Chicago and New York. Mrs. Nabors will have interestlng side lights to tell in connection with' the making, of the picture, "Spirit of Culver,". which will soon be rie- leased, as lier nephiew,, William Leachi, .XI, was assistant technical1 director and is now back fram HoUly- ters of the American Revolution will, devote its next mneetg Mon- day,, March. 20, to, edutational- ac-. tivities Of the national Bociety.Dr ing. the afiernoon dresses mlade býy the chapter for chlldren of Carr creek> Settlement school, in Ken- tucky will be displayed. Mrs. Reid;R. Bronson, the regent, w"ill cal the ýmeeting to order at 2. Aft er a, short, ,b usiness session, in Which a. nomîn tlng cornmittee wil be elected, Mrs. Warren S. Wil- Hairis, 819 Colfax street, Evanston, a past. regent of. the, chapter, .willl talk informnally on D.. A. R. ap- proved schools of- which 'therue are experlences en- ~~u g some o! the, Mrs. a soutlxern ac- wh at nr for havi the Ilinois C. A. R. at the. national convention of Children o! the Ameri- can Revolution to be held i Wash- ington, D. C., beginning April 21. Miss Ruth Krouskup of Niles Cen- ter la chairman o! the Intermediate group. .The Junior Tiuh mtchool gdin, n- lier - nu ivil dwell some- rr Creek school, liere, she la quite ork; aiso, it is o! o Fort Dearborn r the eilidren o! elocal Wheel and )een sewing for a group of~ evening, Sunday,1 6 t6 9, at the home .e III, son of Mr. ýrd P. Mayre Jr.., 1 ue, Evanston, Mrs. the the music 19, Sears school1 ord. celebrated wit Center fr soIoist. nion during the afternoon tea hour. Dresses made in the earlier part of the club year were sent to the school at Christmas time. Children who will assist in serv- ing refreshments are Jeanne De- -..1