I Doeliiu4rtJaeio.-Cla'sifed a WULMTTE fFEor aJU three papers; oedaejc37t<9 TALE and Thuraday ô P. M. for GLENCO* NEWSl O800, Wnnetka 2000 <Wnnetka 500atter e p.. M.)# drake 1216.1817. -I 87 REAL 'ESTTELOANS MONEY TALKS! We cen save you moxiey on FRl ans which we make at less than usual charges; also other reflnancing and con- struction boans. If you are Interested ln economizing on.mortgage coats and wlsh reliable service submnit yoiur particulars and get our proposition. We are. net brokers. Our business lu mortgage bank. ing exclusively. GEORGET..-COONLEY. Washing to Take Home WILL CALL FOCR.,AND DEIVERt WILMET=E 904 94LTN44.4tp WOMAN, EXPEkIENCI), W A NT S general from 9:00 te 1:00 or 1:00 te 5:00, or three days. By week or hour, or day. Greenleàf 8M4. MTI-t EXPERT STENo. AND GENERAL, offlice work. Part timie.by week, hour or job. Own typewriter if desired. Wmn- netka 2998. 94LTN45-ltp EXCEL EMPLOY. SERVICE 746 ýEIm St., Suite 5. Wlnnetku 44189 96LO4-tp GET ON THE LIST FOR SPRING OPENINGS COUPLES AND GIRLS, Carlso's, Empi. Agency. 819. Elm St. Winn.11751 9OLN,tc COUPLESý WHITE AM> COLOI References thoroughly hIn SHORLIM NEEPLOYMEN 7461 ELM ST. TEL. WINI 1934 Dodége Sed ................... 22 1935 lyrouth................. 1935 Chevroet M C oa ......... 250 1936 Chevrolet Town Sed ............ US 1936 LaSalle Sed ............525 1936 FodTudor............... 8 1937 <bysler Sed... .......... .8 î1937 Ford, Club. Coupe.......440 1937 Ferd M0 Cue. .......... 375 1937 Ford W0 Tuder.........380 1937 PlYmouth- Coupe.......415 1937 Lin. Zephyr Seds .......$595 to 745 1938 Ford Tudor 6()............... 445 1938 Lin. Zephyr Sed ..............1045 SPECIAL 1939 ýMercurY Club coupe demo. radio, beater, white wafl tires. .*$75 NEW 1938 FORD TRUCKS DEMO'S Savýe a years depreciation, 134" Stake and cab 8 ply tires ail aromhd. 112" Stake and Cab. TERMSTO SUIT ACEMOT13R CAP~ABLE WOMM( time work. Mother's of children or help w> mette 2568. EXPERIENCED COOK< eral housework. Stay orad work. 15 years e Shore references. Unive LADY X)F S.Ir.Es, cleaning by the dey'. Ave., iw.-ltp MR YOR AUTIfORIZEE LINCOLN.à Wil. 535 OPE] GE USED eur - Mai REFINED WIDOW, 40, u bered, capable ef. takmng fu of child if mother wlshes te tra and patient companion to eld son. No hsework. Write. B-83, 1, ne chîldren. A-1 refs." Wilmette 5128. 9. Y WANTS ODD ,ounId house and yard. B: day. References. . Winnet] -hne- - - -- b %,% WMzl S. q £VILL Every car backed by famous Dodge Dealers' Seal of IDependabüitaï- Triple cheeked for appearafice, con- dition and pric-your assurance of an heneat, dependable value. SllDreiuneMccr 1569 Sib WE SI i I 1 ýl'h 1 ýë.