mladé a study of the iandscape de- signs 'for bornes and esl;ates. aiso, a pleasure Journhey, the cou- pie, having visit- ed Carlsbad Cav- erns, Mexico, White Sands Na- tionagI park, Sequota National p a rk, Yosemite,_ Muir Park,,home of the giant red- w o od s, Boulder IL.-T .ThalflUn Dam, and the -Golden Gate exposition sici, rme wmnnetjca Voal and Lumber company,.Wlnnetka, are at- tending a convention of co'al dealers in New Orleansý this week.. The gentlemen ieft the Shore early this week. Most of the merchants from the Chicago area pro.ceeded to the convention in a special train. MOTOR TOUR SOUTH Andy Frankovitz, who, with AI Jensen, operates the Wilrnette Bat- tery and EIectric Service, 740 Twelfth street, Wilmette, and the Village Tire and Battery Service, in Hubbard Woods, left Tuesday morn- ing of this week with Mrs. Frank- ovitz on a motor tour of the South,.' MAAkeMann Photo A gala "s"tunt night" in which ait Wflmette Voug people'a groupa will participate is plarned by membera of Theta UpsÏto Rho fer Wednea- day, April 19. The executlve comm4ttee of the aif air ha. been toorlclug on arrangements for ot>er a month. The committee, plctured abope, are: (Left to right) Miss Barbara Bettsi, Armen JIToorln, Mi"a Mildred Former, aitd Steve Brookcs. Opposition to Harmony Siate Provokes Fight Letters have been sent to both high schooi and coilege age groups and applications are already being Mued. The stunts and acts wiii be presented on the stage of th>e Wilmette Method- the chrome ilal the bumpers. it in the car, wfle g wvas worn frorn iette Scouts at Winnetka )in nRmli'u lerences and e basis for ft e ML a woi perations. INoveities I by the Winnel âe voters. ;t the Vil- a 'juàiori