Those of us who deat in lard know. that it has always 'been the most natural and practical shortening. Unfortunately, many housewives have* not had this ýsaine opportunity to know how widely lard is used. The truth is that those who make the prep- aration of tempting foods their profesin- whose reputations and livelihood dependupon ing-almost invariably use lard. They will assure. you that nothing can iinpart such delicious tenderness and flavor, except-golden butter itself. It 18 therefore with getpleasrethtii announce the perfection of a new;Wilsonwa Certified Pure Lard for home use. I earnesdly urge you to note the features of this new, modernized lard and to makea practical test of its superior qualities and irs smazing econ- *PDy in your ouw kitcben. The wider use of Lard willlilo benefit not ôülêthêïiebtibthees frAierica s live stock producers, tiiat îniportaot section of our population, upon whose prosperity the' economicwelfare of the nation is so dependent. -4 geart*Bat IIMPORTANTI QUALITIES 0F TRISI