aorne newspaper article, smre mag- Ruth Mest>tan azine dissertation or smre book on the Jew and Jewish lite ap Pearing ln print. Under the title "What Chris- tians Should Know About Jews,"i Rabbi Shulman will analyze the 3ewj and his character and deftne the nature and the position of the Jew *Visitors are always cordially wel-' corne at the services of the North Shore Congregation Israel wvhieh are held every Sunday morning at il o'clock. The temple is located, at the corner of Lincoln and Vernon avenues in Glencoe. _______ p rint Woljacýitd Jack Chronfc Theae /ptung people are in the casta of two plia aponaored b# the Kappa Pi Phi, ýhigh sehool group in the F rat Congre gational church.4 The tuo pla ys wil be "The: Great Chof ce, a one-act draina by Fr ed. Eastman, and a melodrama, "lHe Afn't -Done Rf ght by Nell," by Wilibu? Braun. Mfra. Robert Edgar, woffe of the assisftant mi ni ater 0of the"church, oi il direct- .#The Great Chol ce," wohitele ade Chroni c toi l direct the other play. The plays wfil be presented Thurs- day night, March 30, follotofng the regular c hurckh dfnner tohi ch is to be served, by the Nefighborhood Circle of whfch Mfrs. E. il. Burge fa chafrman. Joseph 4 dental ic., -Dr. CLINIC SCHEDULE- Thursday, March 16, 9 to 12 a. m. Miss M. Buckley, R.N. superinten- dent of nurses, the Tuberculosis In- -St. 'Joseph school dental clinic. -Dr.stte fCiaondoocuty ýhinnock, Miss Hansen, R.N. and. M. Goldstine, secretary dèpart- Thursday, March 16, 2 to 4 p.m.- ment of research and statistics, :ye clinic, adults and childreri. Dr. Council ofE Social Agencies, visited [nderson in charge. the Center on Thursday, *VassarcUe Poundaion At lagt . . the f/j! HowaÉd school dental clinic. Dr. on business in F.eruary wnere ne is Bass, Mrs. Stopka R.N. now located. Mrs. Buckland anid Wednesday, March 22, 2 to 4 p.m. the children, Nari and Bruce,. will -Infant Welfare clinic. Dr. Shaw, remaminin Wlmette until May 1, pediatrician. when they will niove to. St. Louis Wednesday, March 22, 9 to 12 a. m. alsO. -New Trier High school dental Thursday, March 23, 9 to 12 a.m.- Mr. and Mns. C. W. Dricker cele- __________brated their twenty-fourth wedding Of 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilme4te 440