the programn of work for later sub- mission to state convention. There Was also, amorning session for pres ichairmen and for. chairmen ýof.the "$Know Your To*wn" project. The Department of Government and 'its Operation leads the'league, memnbership ini support of City man- a ager legisiation since that item. on. its support , programn is a matter of .major emphasis in the state league's legisiative program. Mrs. Guy Alan Tawney of Champaign, wbo repre- sented the department at the hear- ings on" the city manager enabling' bis. now before the legîsiature dis- cussed the hearing for her group. Mrs. Marc Law of Highland Park presented suggestions from ber committee on Taxation. to the de- partment, and IMrs. Egbert Jacob- Committee on Nominations and Elev- tions presented a report of the prog- ress of the Governor's Commission to amend and codify the election iaws, whose open hearings she has attended 'as an. interested League need. Mrs. Walter L. Rubens of Highland Park, "Know Your Town" chairman, discusÈed the project with local' chairmeni at another of the morning meetings, on March 21,,and. communities were compared on the basis of facts presented. .Mrs. Hasseltine Byrd Taylor, vice- president of the Illinois League of Women Voters,ý presided at the, luncheon meeting when ail present met to hear Prof. William W. Cros- skey of the University of Chicago's Law school speak on "The Constitu- tion - 1789 to 1939."1 ~Fide&tî1 'Recoi* RMCA VICTOR -.PO»PULARIý BLUERIRD RE B]CORDS. Victer Eluebird records provide quality reodnz at a * elaw rv U' h 4 nloz..A