Miobgan Chco lote log.shapedý cooieés witti a creame mint-flavored filng-ogood, foi after- ",on tee or wiih desserts- Package 39C FRE SN:SALMON A p.rferctly delicious entre. when s.rved with new asparagus- broiled and FRYING CH'ICKENS, Plump, tonder, maty-A splendid dinner-party item-Averago welght 2V2 to 3 poundi- Made of tiihe. choicet tre- ripened fruit:--- A treat for breakfast,ý lunechont or donner. 2fJ9 IL29 1lb. 3 c O.id-fashioned brickcs.- Full *f mal fao-.fc o sà*nd*kh*S-.-On ry. or white-' b.2 3c and Ch,"» Loes UnItiI.d Cocktail loga t. ff9r1 jwlIm y. favoitde Mincis OR vàeî-coloéQd ch...- fllled los--R..dy to.serv- Pakae39C Iiiiop T - mrbrsdoy. 'ý Pridaenmd S a*ardoy Only Ripe, lus cious Soutiie.n berî. PINT BOX- d.45C» LES OF SPRUNG LAMB Oh, how good it is when roasd with a clove of garlic serv.d with new, browned potato.; and fresh artlchokes-5 t. 6 pound average weight- IbL 2 Firm, full, flowers- halved or whol- -Serve 3 for Thie ima.-size ch*P that is meaty, titici and lrge-lb. 35c ROUND STEAK Juicy, flovorsome meat-Have if cuit thifi for frylng, b thick fo« bakin- 36c base for aU i fruit o Red. juicy fruit-Fine for oeti.g, es tbey Sp1r2 for 19 are or in fruit solad-- basket of o039'C vegetable salads c o NECW ASPARAGUS Golden rich, hoalfhful, refr.sliing 11.. 41k1 14c broiloýr beke ýin m!lk-ý-,