power and perhaps a tiseless arm or 1eg may be the' final result. Other diseases, infections and auto- mobile accidents producestiff joints or -deformities of thé limbs. Today modem 'surgery Is able to elimmate or ameliorate nmany of these disabilities, and the twisted armn or leg may be straightened -or the motion restored to the joint. AccompUsh Fine Resuite The room for crippled children ini the Haven uchool, Evanston, is ac- coniplUihng wonderful results. There are 24 children now in the roomn who are being -.duoated-and réhabllltated. The work la accom- pllahed throuizh nhv,*a-the»-nw ibth ci.ple AJoSu *UA. SMust Bave DemiIons Funds for class roixà work and transportation are. provided by the cityr and state, but thé salaries of the special nurses, e4l.pmnent for exercises, physiotherapy and voca- tional training, as well as hospital- ization, are made possible through money raised byr donitions to the Society. The society has recently establish-;. ed a vocational occupatcion' program known as the North Shore Crafts- men, This project is unique in Illi- nois, because the materials are fur,- nished to the clients lo be worked1 ýupn in their homes under the direc- tion of a trained, ersfts feachet~c he Liberal Arts, the.Coflege of Law or the College of Commerce; and .that, to the University of Chicago is se- lective from regular undergraduate courses. These scholarships are part of more than 200 awards for military or athletic e'ffciency open to young men froni IMinois, Wis- consin and Michigan, the three sta tes making up the Sixth Corps Area. The top award of ail is the John J. Pershing Gold Medai. which car- ries with it a trip to Washington, D. C. This is offered ea 'chyear by the Civiian Miitarf' Education Fund and is again -ivailable. Ever since Congressman Church obtained the reopening of the Naval Training station, the veteran, and civic:organizationis of northern Ili- nois have been cooperatinÈ with himn to prevail upon the Veterans-Admîn-; istration to contract with the. Navy Department for the use of the fac!l- ities at thé Na-va.1 hospitai for. emer-' gency cases of disabled véterans. The arrangements w hich have just been made by the Veterans Admin- istration and the Navy Departmnent allocates the beds in.the, permanent structure of the Naval hospital for, the remnainder of this year--aid the entire ensuig fiscal year. The use of the ten beds iii to he, restr'i etp tn ta and wil De the Hines Hos- M'isses Mary and 1% )n, daughters of *ui RLAVENUE# WILMUTTE 2026 CENTRAL Ste :EVANSTOW AIRYi FAlit'Y.CAKE Fleur 2 1lb.0S TE QUALITY WAX PAPER CORN MIJFFINIM Flakoru *à *Pku.14e 1 Lb. IsBag (1) 1OV-JN. Sinokebsu Fry.... (2) 2 QT. Coved Sa,,Spa, (3) 3 QT. Cover.d Sàucap" (4) 4 Q. Coveved uepu (1) S QT. Dutcla O . ...- (6) 15 IN. Ovel Roaier ..... TEXAS SEEDLE-' i. ý 1 TOMATO