Students attend Deep Springs to complete their first and possibly their second years of college work, it was explained. New Trier graduates who have received Telluride scholarships ini past years were John de Beers of Giencoe and James Owen of Kenfi- worth. Tz7,y-outs for the girls, telegraphic swimming team are beig held, and thosé who qualify wiIl represent New Trier. High school in the axinual girls' state telegraphic meet next Thursday afternoon, April 6, at 3:45 o' dock. The meet is sponsored this year by Peoria High school. Every school participating in the meet sends its! - resuits to Peoria bvy Anril 14. The Patronizie Qur Advertisers .mmm Qnly Twice a Vear Can Jre Offer 1/ou Sueh Values! 3- and .4-Thread Chiffon to IIMIUhIIIIIIflhItNuIIauIrnIIMflInjuugIhmnuIhIIuIIn,,III,,NIII aiuuuaauinugg~u~01 -- rJ topro, il