Gjertrude jBa b- cocc, .prepared for. coflegeat ýNew Tre * Townslp igh IL . Da]9bc.ck schooL As senior feliows, the Zive chosen q men wilI b. given a free hand to pursue their studies in what- ever manner they choose. They will 7 not be required to attend classes, ai- though they wifl have the privilege of attending any they choose, nor, wil! they b. required to take ex- aminations or pay tuition fées. The only requirement ls that as senior felows they must be. in resideuce at the coilege throughout the vyear PerPetuation of the_ services of the bureau, was the- subject of a conference heid. recently et -the Lake Shore Athletic club, attended'by 100 representâtiVes of leading wholesale dealiers.. .This Credit bureau's regular mem- bership since 1907 has grown from 17 to 190 wholesale distributors and there are 500 additional whoiesale dealiers who use the dsily chattel naortgage and court record service of the bu- reau. The problem before the meeting was to devise a methiod of continu.~ Ing the service with Its beneficial features after the death or retire- ment of Mr. Merritt. anU a me tempýp eniUU wIAZ LIauUVL mie service.; On Sunday afternoon, April 2, a special Sederper will b. con- ducted by Rabbi Shman esPeCially. for the srne!! childrenbetween 4 and, 8years of age. Paumoyer, the. oldest holiday. In the Jewlsh calendar, had ifs beginniingo In the early Spring festal celebrationis of s!iepherds and farmers. A new sIgnif 1- cance. was attrlbuted to the festival ïwhen lni addition to belng a feast of supplca- tion for a good year, if was made a occasion of thanksglvlng for the redemhp- tion of the. ewlsh people from slavery flicýgth seven day. of.the. festival only nxatzos- (unleavened bread> ls" caten ln commemoration of the haste of the peo >e when, fléeeng from Egypt, eydid fot have time to awalt the, rsng of their dough. DTuma clui April. 18, 19 be pi, 20. 3 Spanish Refugee Children "eAdopted-- 13y Local Familles Mallickrodt Dramna i" "Glee Pirnys the Game" a three- À] act comedy, with an all-senior cast, the wl b. presented, under the direc- byla 4t.%v. e%#I oorn -" -,&4 aid wil al earnings le charter a, ition. must' Part of! Rh. housemaid a, avenue, ai SJdalga, 12, Deb, 250 Rildge ja Palmeiro Hi- M . 1 l members of the eleeniosy- uh 10 i. in , the