sponuorsnîp of the club. wThe, son-in-iaw of aMr. and Mrs. A. R. Brgeggeman, 1072 Fishers lane Winnetka, Mr. Wilson and his 'wlfe, (Berenice Brueggemnan>, a designer of handimade wal papers , are vlsiting-her parents. for several: months before ileavlng to spend the sumrxüer at 'Cape Cod.. Tbeir pîermanent home is in Cleve- land. Mr. Wilsonbas executed pastel, oil and char- coal commissions for many prominent famnIile., i and about Cleveland. He hies painted Mrs. W. L. Mellon, Jr., o! Pittsburgh, wIfe of the nepliew of the late Andrew Melon; Kenneth T. Brown, president of Hiram college, Hiramn, Ohio, and John W. Brlcker, governor o! Ohio. From Govýernor Bricker he recently recelved a note complitmenting him on hi. fine woirk. Mrs. N. M. Forsythe o! Keniwortb and ber thwr... chfldren.forr esi demMn*A<of (Clevelnd. was awarded a y under Charles painter, at the 1 He was one o! tools ail over the klnson's tutelage Preview Opens Ch icago he has *series neyer before equaled ini a single Chicago concert, erlus. The Échedule of artists and dates is a s follows: the Philàcdeiphia 'Symphony. orchestra, with'E- gene. Ormandy conductimg, Tuesday evening, October 31; the Catherine Littlefteld ballet, Sun- day afternoon, November 19; Jascha Helfeti., violinist, Sunday alternoon, . December -3; the. Boston Symphony Orchestra with Serge Koussie- vitsky conducting, WednesdaLy evenig, Decemn- ber 13; Sergei Rachmnaninoff, pianist, Sunday atternoon, January 14; Marlan Anderson, con- tralto,. Sunday afternoon, January 28; General1 Platoif Don Cossack chofr, Sunday afternoçon, February 4; and Helen Jepson, soprano,- Sunday afternoon, February 18. The series of concerts and recitals1 repeats twOofo its Most successful offerings of this sea- oto~ son, the Philadeiphia symphony and Marian *Anderson, both attended, by capacity, audiences. This wil.l be the lUfth consecutive year Marian f AdeTtoerlgb ritrr-b-ènfauë :hthetthllWeter series.. Novelties on the serles *il be the Little- *fteld ballet, which scored a triumph as the officiai ballet of the Chicago City Opera comppny dur- ing the past season, and the General Platoif Don Cossack choir which made its Chicago debut this year. Presentation of both the Phila- delphia and the Boston Sym~phony orchestras i Chicago Tepresents a tremendous expenditure for this series. ftecting it with the p tpxture Mr. Wilson cuiur £5 yllght. a applies rnerely oduct.of jury of awar will be repi Evanston, sg land'Park, 1b Peyraud of -Evanston, ar le of Hign." sFrank C. .i Sterba of Lo'cal Composers' Work >- On Music Club Pro gram The North Shore Musiclans club .will hold next prcïgram Tuesdlay afterùoon, 4pril 4, to lI it or