FORE-QUARTERS For' an ospeduallY fin. ,lavor-fub with olive ou and roast with a0 .Clove of gark lb.29C WNOLE or HALF Yowr choice »oof. bufattor mh.nk snd-Toý CENTER CUTS 0f HAM Choos. thick glic.s for baking- 45b. eJ BEEF. VIAL..PORI( ,,6ound for LoafL-Easlly and- quicUy peepored-Aàd seasoning. some crumbs, en .gg, 4%0 and. bake- lb. M e7 GENUINE. FILLET 0F SOLE' the. MAl soblo that 1is.puro--whif. and d liciously tendet -Wbàf could b. botte r. for cdin er : N I Philadeiphias Creum Cieese and A fas*y and lrub.&as BAR-Ie DUC Combimalo gstion - ch ON Eo f rn esu 3 C