Eddyv EpstienPa y s At N. S5.. Heal1th ResOrt Eddy Epstien, -pianist and- 1939 winner of the Young Artis3ts' con- tesàt sponsored by the. Chicago Wom- an's Musical club, who has 'appeared in recital at. Winnetka Community Eouse, appeared Wednesday evening, April 5, in one o! a series of pro- grams gie at the,, -North Shore Health Resort, Winnetka. Ray Photo Evelyn Folger, graduate of Northwestern Univers ity School of. Speech and popular mem ber of Zeta Phi Eta and Alpha, Phi, appears as the rornantic lead in "You Can't Take It With You" The Executive. board of the North Shore Scout council held its regular meeting at the Shawnee Country club, Wednesday. Representatives were present from flfteen different towns of the North Shore Area coun- cil. Special emphasis was placed upon the camping program. Presid- ing at this board meeting was the president of the council, Rlobert F, Doepel. WILMTTE OAL d6 MATERIAL O.ý 1301 LAKE AVE. Ph.,. WII.,.f*.4200 YOUR EASTER spacious Main of the North Dining Room Shore Hotel. Served from Noon until 8 p.m. and Master Craft Repairing Just think! A tiew 9xl2 Rug Cusbion, made. ope- cialiy for us, for whichy?l ordinarily pay $4, Del iiousof Cwith Mush- I I Delicious of C