.97 -Pre Choose FroMî Ne* Pastel 'Colbr s Our -Priscilla Curtains this season are more beautiful than ever. Styled of a new üôo.velt y >stripe niarquis ette in lov ely 1 9 pastel colors with dainty ruffles. pr.-~ New 4?..44lge sets Sprlng's Ioveliest styles are in' this array of Cottage Sets. Your choiceof marquisette or voile in colorful plaids, dots, or novelty figures. Every s 1.97 set a grand value at au with 2, zippe'r-*fly kikr $1 .95 The kind, of suits'. young smnoothies demnand, Easy Io wear and casual looklug! Every one hi ew 939wooles-with al Pants leatedi n front. AnyWay you buy them,. it's a bargain! *Ail pants with zipper flies *Double seat and knee knickers O-Doulde easted 19Bi-swing hack "Jir. Towvn" Hats Swauk new TyroIeans wvith brigh* - feather. Yes sir,to harnionize 49,I with this new Easter suit! Made with bound. or unbound edges. 'q Boys' New New patterns in bright celors for Easter. Plecadlly checks, Chukker checkçs and Pirate stripes. Every tie a grand value~ at ............. ...... 51 in. Wide by 2V/4 yds. Long Fine quality panels in ecru color. Some have borders, otesare plain. Finished with~ e sltted heading. Each TOWN SHIiRTSý $j.39, --r-- anu c4oktaff de. -_ Ipsu hiceler- iuatching89 Card Tables, $2.98 SnialI aditional charge outtide of Chicago, Evanton and Oak Park. 2 for $1.50' * arçe extra Epeciai. .~pr.' -I WJEDOLDT"S.Evauast.M.. by 21/2 yds. long $1